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The Executive Council established the FA Ad Hoc Budget and Planning Committee to advise the FA leadership on budget and planning at UW Tacoma. The committee’s primary focus shall be upon the development and articulation of strategies to sustain the UW Tacoma’s financial health and to ensure that students, staff, and faculty have the resources, access, and financial stability to enable the UW Tacoma community to thrive. You can find the UWT Executive Council approved Budget Advisory Adhoc Committee document here.
Faculty Assembly Budget and Planning Ad Hoc Committee will have four specific roles:
- To provide reviews of budget and planning materials requested by the FA Chair and FA Executive Council;
- Provide detailed input on specific budget requests, academic strategy, and long-term campus planning related to campus growth strategies – including enrollment management; procurement of new, and use of, existing facilities; budget reviews of proposed and existing campus Centers, and other planning and budget issues of importance to faculty;
- Obtain, review, and communicate budget information in a form most useful to the faculty and provide quarterly reports to the Executive Council and the faculty at large on the state of UW Tacoma's budget and planning;
- Invite representatives of the campus to provide information, discuss issues, and/or provide guidance critical to planning and budgeting.
The committee will consist of a total of seven members, including the Chair, Vice-Chair, Past-Chair of the Faculty Assembly. It will be chaired by FA Chair or the Past Chair. Other faculty members will be selected with experience or interest in university budgets. Each year, the FA Chair and Vice Chair will propose a set of members for the committee
- Anne Taufen, Chair of Faculty Assembly and School of Urban Studies
- TBD, Vice Chair of Faculty Assembly
- Davon Woodard, Assistant Professor, School of Urban Studies
- Cheryl Greengrove, Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
- Mohammed Jasim, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering & Technology
- Fei Leng, Associate Professor, Milgard School of Business
- TBD, Alumni
Faculty Assembly Budget and Planning Committee meetings are scheduled at least twice per quarter.