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Clinical and Professional Topics Seminar
This seminar meets for one and a half hours weekly throughout the year. The seminar explores various professional topics and provides training in several clinical areas. Clinical training topics may include: diagnosing and treating anxiety disorders, providing process oriented group therapy to university students, reviewing APA guidelines for clinical practice with specific populations, and mindfulness and attunement in psychotherapy. Examples of professional topics include: presenting select outreach topics to university students, ethical and professional conduct, and preparing for the EPPP. Multicultural factors will be incorporated into each presentation. Some seminars may be conducted jointly with interns from another university, either in-person or using Zoom. Seminar facilitators may come from PAWS or another office at UW Tacoma, from the Tacoma community, or from across the country at another university or private practice. In the latter case, Zoom is used for conducting the seminar.
Early in winter quarter, in preparation for post-internship employment interviews, interns will present a formal case presentation (that includes PowerPoint) to all senior staff. This is meant to simulate the kind of experience that is typically required for university counseling center interviews. Staff provide support and constructive feedback with the hope that what is learned helps the interns land their dream job!
Multicultural Seminar
This seminar meets for one and a half hours weekly throughout the year. It focuses on various multicultural topics and promotes self-exploration and the development of cultural humility. Example topics include: introduction to the multicultural orientation model; introduction to diversity, equity, and inclusion in American higher education; suicide prevention for LGBT youth; multicultural considerations in group therapy; awareness of implicit bias; addressing weight and size stigma; and the impact of schemas and insecure attachments on depression in Latinx students. Relevant movies and documentaries are also utilized for this seminar, followed by facilitated discussion.