Main Content
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The following are the policies and guidelines that a student organization must abide by when they are wanting to sell food or items on campus. This includes such things as bake sales, selling pre-packaged food items, selling RSO items (i.e. shirts, sweaters), etc. to students/faculty/staff/community members.
Note: These policies do not apply when an organization is selling internally within the organization and its members - this is only for when the RSO is selling in conjunction with an event, space reservation, etc. For example, an RSO collecting money from it's members to pay for RSO shirts is not considered fundraising. However, if the RSO were selling shirts at an event on-campus or when tabling on-campus, then these policies would apply.
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Fundraising Definition
This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
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- Header Style: "purple_dominant"
- Card Height Setting: "consistent_card_height"
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Policies & Guidelines
- Approval Required: The RSO must complete an online RSO Fundraising Request Form and be approved by the Center for Student Involvement. Approval must be received before any fundraising and sales begin. Please submit this form well in advance of your donation timeline to ensure there is enough time for review, questions, and approval. Late submissions may be not be able to be reviewed in time.
- Approval Placard: Once approved, the RSO will receive a placard that states the fundraiser is approved. This placard must be posted at your event/table during all sales. Failure to display this placard can result in the suspension of your fundraiser.
- Proceeds: RSOs can sell items on campus and collect money when the proceeds will be used as a fundraiser, either for the RSO and its own operations/events or donating to a charitable organization. If the proceeds of the fundraiser are going to a non-University group (i.e. a charitable organization), some additional review of the fundraiser may be required. This will be discussed with the RSO when the Fundraising Request Form is submitted and reviewed. No monetary gain of the proceeds can be for individual members of the organization.
- Benefit to Students: The activity/event itself must provide a benefit to UW Tacoma students.
- Student-Initiated and Led: The fundraiser must be initiated by one of the officers of an RSO (as listed on DawgDen) and it must be student-led. Fundraisers should be not be primarily led or initiated by groups other than the RSO.
- Space Reservation: You must fundraise in conjunction with an an approved and confirmed space request. For example, if you plan to table on Commerce Plaza or in a lobby of a building, you must request use of those spaces through an official space request.
- Cash Collection: If cash is present and being exchanged (given from one person to another), then this must be noted on your space request. Campus Safety officers will be notified and they may be required to be present during your sales. If officers are required, the associated cost is the responsibility of the RSO.
- Cash Handling: If cash if present, your RSO should have proper cash handling procedures reviewed and in-place. This includes securing your cash during/after the fundraiser, having a bank account to deposit the money if it's not being used right away, etc. The Center for Student Involvement has cash boxes available for check-out and we provide information online about starting a bank account for your RSO.
- Selling Food: If you are selling food as your fundraiser, then the campus food service policies apply to your fundraiser. What kind of food you sell dictates who you can sell to:
- Pre-Packaged Items from Store/Vendor: Pre-packaged items from a store/vendor, such as pies from Sheri's, Krispy Kreme donuts, Jimmy Johns sandwiches, etc., can be sold to anyone. However, your RSO cannot open the items, remove them from their packaging, or handle the items outside of the packaging. This is to ensure proper food handling. Proper food handling and temperature management should be followed.
- Temporary Food Service Permit: If you are selling food that is NOT pre-packaged, and is either made by a restaurant caterer or by club members, you will need to seek a temporary food service permit from UW Environmental Health and Safety. EHS checks all food plans to ensure the safety of people consuming food at UW events. We recommend filing for a food permit at least three weeks in advance. If you would like to prepare your own food to serve at an event, we recommend reaching out to EHS as early as possible, as there are several regulations that must be upheld and they will be able to provide guidance to make sure your vision, or a version of it, comes to pass.
- Food from Non-UW Tacoma Preferred Caterer: Food from a restaurant or caterer that is not a UW Tacoma preferred caterer can only be sold to current UW Tacoma students, faculty, and staff. Your RSO must ask to see a UW ID and verify that an individual is a student/faculty/staff before you can sell to them. It cannot be sold to anyone who is not a current UW Tacoma student/faculty/staff.
- Food from a UW Tacoma Preferred Caterer: Food from a UW Tacoma preferred caterer can be sold to anyone, as long as proper food handling and temperature management is followed.
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Online Selling Platform
Consider using this online platform to sell your items!
- UW Marketplace: The process is managed by our office and offers an online ticket sale service that RSOs can utilize. Customers can pay via credit card online to your organization. Funds will be issued to the organization via check. To learn more about this option, email and let us know that you are interested!