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Library Guide for Core Faculty
This guide is an organic document prepared by the UWT Library, and includes assignment ideas, activity ideas, and faculty development resources specific to the Core.
Academic Alert Referral Form
The Early Alert Referral form is used to identify students who may be struggling with academic difficulty or at risk of failing. Faculty and staff should use this form to alert the academic advisers of any student who is not making satisfactory progress or is exhibiting behaviors that may lead to academic difficulty. Once a student is identified, the academic advisers and other appropriate staff will work with the student to improve his or her academic opportunity for success.
"Canvas for Instructors" Help Website
Darcy Janzen provided excellent workshops for Core faculty in October 2013 on utilizing Canvas in courses, and is always happy to field more questions. In the meantime, this help page on the UW Seattle website is a great resource as well!
Course Evaluation Form Choices
This site allows faculty to view the various options for course evaluation forms, suited to diverse instructional formats or educational outcomes.