Fall 2023 Washington General Assembly Recap
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What is the Washington Student Association?
Founded in 1982, the Washington Student Association (WSA) is a student-led organization that aims to represent all students attending higher education institutions in Washington State. The organization has been incredibly successful at inducing change on the legislative level to benefit students across Washington State. Examples of those bills include but not limited to: the Washington College Grant, the Undocumented Student Loan Program, and the DREAM Act. In the last year alone, thirteen bills that benefit students were passed thanks to the Washington Student Association's efforts.
Twice a year, the Washington Student Association hosts the Washington General Assembly to approve the organization's legislative agenda as well as host workshops for students from attending campuses.
For more information on the Washington Student Association, visit their website: https://www.wastudents.org/
What is our role in the Washington Student Association?
The University of Washington - Tacoma is a member of the WSA along fifteen other college campuses in the state. ASUWT has the opportunity to create our own proposals to add to the WSA legislative agenda as well as vote on other campus' proposals. Based on our enrollment numbers, UWT was awarded five votes at the Fall General Assembly. During legislative sessions, ASUWT lobbies at the capitol in Olympia in cooperation with the WSA and other member campuses. The Washington Student Association is truly an organization made by students, for students, run by students. It is the Washington Student Association that allows for us to pass change on the state level.
What did we vote to be on Washington Student Association's legislative agenda?
Using our five votes, ASUWT unanimously voted in favor of adding the following to the Washington Student's Association legislative agenda:
- Reduce the amount of credits to be considered a full-time student (12 -> 10)
- Expand funding for on campus child care facilities, programs, and employees
- Additional funding to support programs for disabled students and supporting resources that remove barriers on campus to disabled students
- Require funding for SANE nurses on college campuses across the state
- Legislation that requires a student led review committee of departments and how they handle faculty misconduct
- Legislation that allows for a fee discount for student parking on campuses
- Support C4C legislation that supports undocumented students through allowing them to receive licenses for work with less barriers
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