Main Content
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Active Surveys
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: gold-theme
- Show Full Image: Unspecified. Using Default: "Fill Container, Allow Cropping"
- Image Position: center center
[ASUWT] Student Safety Survey
Survey Closes June, 2023
This survey is being conducted by the Associated Students of UW Tacoma (ASUWT) to gauge student's thoughts and concerns about UW Tacoma's safety on and around campus. Data gathered from this survey will inform future ASUWT initiatives that benefit student's safety.
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: gold-theme
- Show Full Image: Unspecified. Using Default: "Fill Container, Allow Cropping"
- Image Position: center center
[PAWS] National College Health Assessment
Survey Closes May 8th, 2023
American College Health Association & PAWS are conducting an anonymous, nationally recognized research survey that collects precise data about students’ unique health habits, behaviors, and perceptions. Data gathered from this survey will inform all offices on campus, including ASUWT, on initiatives that benefit student's health and wellness.
This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Background Image: ""
- Theme: "light-theme"
- Header Style: "purple_dominant"
- Card Height Setting: "consistent_row_height"
- Section Parallax: "0"
- Section Parallax Height: ""
Past Surveys
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: gold-theme
- Show Full Image: Unspecified. Using Default: "Fill Container, Allow Cropping"
- Image Position: center center
[ASUWT] Tabling Week Survey
Ended February 10th, 2023
ASUWT is taking a proactive approach to better understand the pressing concerns and opinions of students on campus. From February 6th to 10th, they will be tabling all across campus to informally gather data on key student issues such as Student Health, Safety, Experience, Housing, Technology, and Food Options. To facilitate the gathering of information, students will be provided with a red, yellow, or green sticker to place on a board which they can use to signify their opinions on questions related to those topics - red for no, yellow for sometimes, and green for yes.