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The Sports Enterprise Management Advisory Board is a diverse group of community leaders who play a role in sports and outdoor activities in our community. The Board meets four times per year and advises the Milgard School of Business and the program director on the present and future of the program.
Aaron Artman
President, Tacoma Rainiers
Brad Cheney
President and Executive Director, Ben B. Cheney Foundation
Maya Mendoza-Exstrom
Chief Operating Officer, Seattle Sounders FC
Joshua Garcia
Superintendent, Tacoma Public Schools
Chris Kennedy, SVP, Strategy & Analytics
Seattle Mariners
Jen Mueller
Talk Sporty to Me and ROOT SPORTS
Senator T'wina Nobles
(D) WA-28th Legislative District
William G. "Bill" Robertson
Advisory Board Emeritus,
President & CEO, MultiCare
Jon Spoelstra, Advisory Board Emeritus
NBA Executive (Retired), Author, Marketing Outrageously Redux: How to Increase Your Revenue by Staggering Amounts
Marcus Trufant, Advisory Board Emeritus
Retired NFL star - Trufant Family Foundation