New & Expanded Title IX Options for Students
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We want to reaffirm our commitment to fostering a safe, equitable, and inclusive learning environment for all members of our University community. We are also excited to update you on new and expanded services and options available through the UW Title IX Office.
New Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for Students
We are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of a new ADR option for students. ADR is a voluntary, informal process designed to help parties reach mutually agreeable solutions. It will be available later this quarter as an option for resolving allegations of Title IX-related policy violations.
Expanded Services and Support
The Title IX Office now features a team of dedicated and experienced case managers. Navigating resources and options related to sex- and gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence, or support for pregnancy and related conditions, can be overwhelming. Our team is committed to providing you with the information and support you need. Case managers can help with:
- Supportive measures - Whether you are looking for academic adjustments, mutual restrictions on communication between parties, or other forms of assistance, the Title IX office serves as a centralized resource for accessing support if you have experienced discrimination, harassment, or violence.
- Resolution Options - Formal or informal University processes may be available to address allegations of sex- and gender-based discrimination, harassment, and violence. Our office can provide the information you need to make informed decisions that are right for your situation.
- Pregnancy & related conditions support - Our case managers can help you identify and request modifications to help you stay in school and maintain your academic progress.
Online Title IX report
Last year we launched the Title IX online reporting form, which significantly increased student outreach to Title IX. It has proven to be an easy way for students to request support and options, or simply share information with the Title IX office. This tool allows for anonymous reporting if you prefer to not disclose names. For confidential support, consider contacting the confidential advocate before submitting an online Title IX report.
2024 Title IX Regulations
As you may already be aware, a federal court issued an injunction which paused the implementation of new Title IX rules at UW and many schools across the nation. While this uncertainty may feel unsettling, we want to reassure you that the protections of Title IX remain in effect. Our Title IX office continues its vital work to promote a safe and equitable environment for all students, including protections against discrimination and harassment for LGBTQ+ members of our community.
Thank you for your continued engagement and for being part of our community. We are here to support you, and we look forward to working together to foster a safe and inclusive environment at the University of Washington Tacoma.
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