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Action Mapping Project
The Action Mapping Project (AMP) is a youth-oriented and community-based project in Tacoma, Washington that fosters neighborhood change through data production, education, and direct action. AMP conducts annual activities that include 1) mapping and data collection with thousands of middle-school and high-school aged youth in Tacoma Public Middle and High Schools, 2) GIS instruction and professional development at AMP Centers in Tacoma High Schools, and 3) neighborhood scale planning and action activities (AMP Camps) in Tacoma neighborhoods.
Faculty Fellows
The Office of Community Partnerships (OCP) seeks applications for Faculty Fellows to develop and integrate publicly-engaged activities with teaching or scholarship for the public good. OCP will fund and support up to four faculty member collaborator groups (1 lead faculty member with 2 or more faculty collaborators and at least one community partner). We are particularly interested in establishing communities of practice that focus on existing and new partnerships and actively include community partners in their ongoing co-learning and co-production processes.
Legal Pathways
Legal Pathways at UW Tacoma is a new initiative, funded by the Washington State Legislature, to build and support law-related opportunities and curriculum on campus and to promote the success of students interested in pursuing law school, other graduate and professional studies related to law, and law-related careers. Learn more about our mission and history.
South Sound Alliance
The South Sound Alliance (SSA) is a leadership council consisting of Pierce and South King County cities and towns together with public and private organizations that pursue data-driven collaborative strategies leading to healthier communities, an improved environment, and an innovative and thriving economy.
Learn More
Whole Child Initiative
The Whole Child Initiative (WCI) is a program that transforms schools by creating safe, positive, engaging, equitable and effective learning environments to help all kids succeed. This program is a partnership agreement between UW Tacoma and the Tacoma School District. The purpose of this initiative is to increase academic excellence, school safety, and social and emotional learning within the Tacoma School District.