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Professor, School of Education, University of Washington Tacoma
- Affiliate Faculty, African Studies, University of Washington
Professor Extraordinarius, College of Education, University of South Africa
Dr. Christopher B. Knaus is a race scholar, critical race theory practitioner, and global educator. He leads practitioner-based research collaboratives that examine the global impact of colonial school systems and related violence on Black communities. Dr. Knaus additionally partners with community-based organizations to transform educator development programs and educational leadership pathways for educators of color. In disrupting traditionalized education, Dr. Knaus challenges educational systems to create Black-centric, life-affirming classrooms, schools, and colleges that prepare children to transform the racism they live into a world of multilingual, musical, cultural beauty, where addressing social problems becomes the purpose of education.
Dr. Knaus was the founding director of the Doctorate (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership Program at the University of Washington Tacoma, created the Urban Teacher Leadership Program in the Department of Educational Leadership at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Knuas was a Fulbright Scholar to South Africa and has held visiting appointments at the University of South Africa and the University of Western Cape. Dr. Knaus earned his PhD from the University of Washington, his MA from Washington State University, and his BA from University of California Davis. In addition to numerous articles and books about racism education, Dr. Knaus has taught in high schools, runs to maintain a healthy outlook in an unhealthy world, and can be seen constantly writing, cooking, listening to music, and spending time with community activists.
Select publications include:
- Knaus, C. B, & Mino, T., Seroto, J. (2022). Decolonising African Higher Education: Practitioner Perspectives from Across the Continent. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Knaus Rogers-Ard. R.L., & Knaus, C. B. (2020). Black Educational Leadership: From Silencing to Authenticity. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Knaus, C. B. (2018). "If Everyone Would Just Act White": Education as Global Investment in Whiteness. In J. Brooks and G. Theoharis (Eds.), Whiteucation: How Privilege, Power and Prejudice is Destroying School and Society. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Knaus, C. B., & Brown, M.C. (2016). Whiteness is the New South Africa: Qualitative Research on Post-Apartheid Racism. New York: Peter Lang.
- Knaus, C. B. (2014). Seeing What They Want to See: Racism and Leadership Development in Urban Schools. The Urban Review, 46(3), 420-444.
- Knaus, C. B., & Rogers-Ard, R. (2012). Educational Genocide: Examining the Impact of National Education Policy on African Americans. ECI Interdisciplinary Journal for Legal and Social Policy: Vol. 2(1), 1-42.
- Knaus, C. B. (2011). Shut Up and Listen: Teaching Writing that Counts in Urban Schools. New York: Peter Lang.
- Knaus, C. B. (2006). Race, Racism, and Multiraciality in American Education. Washington, DC: Academica Press.