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Faculty and staff involvement can often be essential for the success of student organizations. They are able to provide a source of direction in times of need, as well as guide students to various resources on campus.
The University supports the principle that it is the responsibility of the students, faculty, and administration to work cooperatively for the attainment of the University’s educational goals in the extracurricular, as well as the academic life, of the institution. In line with this principle, the Center for Student Involvement requires that student organizations involve at least one faculty and/or staff member as an adivsor in their organizations. Student organizations are also encouraged to affiliate with related departments to their RSO mission and goals. Students should, however, remain in control of the organization at all times.
Faculty and/or staff advisors can assist student organizations by providing a continuous link to the University, as staff and faculty generally tend to remain at the University for longer periods of time than students. In addition to providing a history for the organization, the advisor can provide guidance to dealing with University policy and procedures.
Advisors, because they are not UW Tacoma students, cannot vote or hold any office in the organization. If a student organization needs a faculty or staff advisor and does not know who to approach, officers are encouraged to come to the Center for Student Involvement for suggestions.