Main Content
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RSOs are responsible for conducting its affairs in a manner consistent with applicable University policies, in addition to local, state, and federal laws. Organizations will be held accountable for the action and behavior of its members or guests at on-campus activities.
Through their formation and registration, registered student organizations are members of the UW Tacoma community. With this membership come both benefits and responsibilities. The UW Student Conduct Code forms the basis for the behavioral expectations in the UW community.
Alleged violations of RSO policies by an organization will be adjudicated primarily by the Center for Student Involvement, or in the case of individual students, the matter will be referred to the student conduct process. In attempting to resolve any infractions, the primary intent of the accountability process will be to educate members of the organization, while holding them accountable for any violations allegedly committed. Furthermore, it is the desire of the Center for Student Involvement to promote critical decision making skills to encourage organizations to prevent any possible future infractions.
The extent and terms of disciplinary action taken by the Center for Student Involvement will depend on the nature and severity of the infraction, as well as any history of previous violations. Possible outcomes could include paying fines/fees, loss of campus space use privileges, loss of ability to request campus funding, and more. Student organizations must be in “good standing” to maintain their registration status.
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Good Standing
A student organization will be considered in good standing if, for the past 12 months, the organization has complied with all University policies and procedures, including those outlined on the RSO webpages. Policy and procedure violations, registered status, unpaid debts, probation status, and adjudicated complaints against an organization will be considered in determining good standing.
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Hazing Policy
UW Tacoma prohibits student organizations and their members from engaging individually or collectively in hazing activities. Student organizations whose members participate in hazing activities will be subject to appropriate University disciplinary action. Hazing is defined as any activity that includes one or more of the characteristics below:
- Activities that expose personal values to compromise or ridicule
- Activities that abuse the trust an organization is striving to build between its members and prospective members
- Stunts that have no meaningful relationship to the objectives of the organization
- Activities that humiliate or subject individuals to circumstances with which they are not comfortable, or of which they are fearful
- Activities which are illegal or violate University policy
- Activities that interfere with academic pursuits or normal life functions
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Developmental Action Plans
Should student organizations violate UW Tacoma policies and procedures, they will be asked to work through a Developmental Action Plan. Developmental Action Plans will be created with the Center for Student Involvement, the participating officers, and the organization's Advisor. These plans will provide a step-by-step to the organization's leadership that they must commit to in order to maintain their active status. Inability or refusal to follow the Developmental Action Plan will result in the de-activation of the RSO's active status.
Developmental Action Plans will ask organizations to:
- Meet directly with the Center for Student Involvement to fulfill RSO procedures, including but not limited to, 25 Live Room Reservations, Advertising Request Forms, Event Registration Forms, RSO Finances, and whatever areas the organizations may need more support in following
- Follow all policies and procedures as they are listed on the RSO Website. Questions and comments regarding policies should be directed to the Center for Student Involvement, but still followed to avoid any conflicts.
- Connect with the Center for Student Involvement to ensure that all policies and procedures are being followed
Developmental Action Plans will be based on the particular needs or conflicts an RSO has provided multiple situations where they have not understood or violated campus policy. Organizations will be made aware of any policy violations by email as they occur and should it be determined that a Development Action Plan needs to be put in place, the organization will receive a message to meet with the Center for Student Involvement. In that meeting, the organization will be provided with the circumstances of policy violation and when the organization was informed. All plans will have a duration established and RSOs must abide by the plan and UW Tacoma policies with no violations until that date to become a fully active RSO again.
When a Development Action Plan is provided, RSOs have two (2) options:
- Agree to and abide by the plan, with the Center for Student Involvement as a temporary advisor.
- Refuse the Action Plan and become an inactive registered student organization
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Some events and activities sponsored by student organizations, both on- and off-campus, may involve potential risks. A review of current case law suggests that, in addition to the student organization as a group, individual members and officers may incur some liability in the event of a claim. Registered student organizations, particularly those involved in potentially hazardous activities, are encouraged to investigate the purchase of liability insurance for their club’s activities.
Activities taking place on campus will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and student organizations may be required to purchase liability insurance if it is determined that a campus event involves some degree of risk or liability.