Main Content
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Visit the University of Washington Tacoma Campus Library
One library across two buildings, the University of Washington Tacoma Library serves students, staff, faculty and the community providing vital access to research resources, research help, technology, print materials, and more. Check out the Find and Use Library Services page to learn more about services in the library.
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Hours & Collections
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
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See the UW Tacoma Library Operations Updates & Resources Page for emergent changes and updates to our hours and operations.
UW Tacoma Library 1900 Commerce St. Box 358460 Tacoma, WA 98402 USA
The UW Tacoma Library is a single library that occupies the Tioga Library Building (TLB) (floors 1, 2, and 4) and Snoqualmie Building (SNO) with a service desk located on the first floor of the SNO.
Collection Locations
Ask at the circulation desk on TLB 1st floor | TLB 1st floor | TLB 2nd floor | TLB 4th floor | SNO 1st floor |
- Reserve - TLB Collection Storage Auxiliary Stacks and Periodicals - Children’s and Young Adult - Auxiliary - Oversize - Media |
- Popular News - Graphic Novels - Young Adult - Children’s Literature - Reference and Ready Reference - Stacks, call numbers beginning with A - D |
- Faculty & Staff Publications - Pacific Northwest Studies - Tacoma Display TLB - Writing Resources - Test Preparation - Career Planning & Personal Success - Grant Writing - Heldrich Creative Writing - Stacks, call numbers beginning with E - G |
- Stacks, call numbers beginning with H - Z | - Tacoma Display SNO - New Materials - Makerspace |
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