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Most spaces in our residence hall require students to have at least one roommate. Having, and getting along, with your roommate can be a very rewarding part of your college experience at UW Tacoma.
As part of the housing application process, students will complete a "Roommate Characteristics" questionnaire. This questionnaire asks questions about the student's lifestyle (cleanliness, guests, noise, smoking, etc.), as well as questions about certain preferences in a roommate. This form is then reviewed by our office and used to place students with similar lifestyles. For example, we will try to put students who prefer a more quiet space together.
Students will be notified of their roommates after a space assignment has been made. This typically occurs in the summer.
Can I Pick My Own Roommate?
Students can preference other students to live with. We can never guarantee that roommate preferences will be able to be accommodated; however, if two or more students know they want to live together, this can be requested as part of the housing application process.
What if I Don't Get Along with my Roommate?
Conflicts and misunderstandings between people happen and we understand that. If you have a conflict with your roommate, we encourage you to try to work it out together first. If those attempts fail, please connect with your Resident Assistant or Residence Life professional staff. These staff members are trained in conflict resolution and will work with all students involved to resolve the conflict or determine the best solution.
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What if I am moving in mid-year or I'm offered from the wait list?
If a student on the housing wait list is offered a space, roommate matching may not play a priority in determining space. Often when we have spaces open mid-year, we do not have the ability to move roommates around to best fit roommate preferences and lifestyles.