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The Executive Council charged the Writing Fellows to improve student writing at UW Tacoma. The group contracted with the Writing Program Administrators (WPA) to produce a set of recommendations to improve writing across curriculum. The group made recommendations on the sequence of writing assignments in classes; the writing requirements for transfer students; the resources needed to help faculty incorporate writing into their courses; and on hiring a Writing Across the Curriculum Coordinator. They were comissioned in Winter 2012 and completed their work at the end of Fall Quarter 2013.
- Alison Cardinal, SIAS, Chair
- Michael Kula, SIAS
- Deirdre Raynor, SIAS
- Nicole Blair, SIAS
Process and Documents
- First, they conducted a campus-wide assessment and completed a self-study report that collected campus-wide data about writing by collecting syllabi, conducting a faculty survey, and facilitating focus groups. They wrote the Self-Study in Summer 2013:
- Then, they brought professional writing consultants to campus from the Council of Writing Program Administrators Consultant Evaluators Service to review and diagnose problems associated with writings at UWTacoma on November 3-5, 2013. The consultants were on campus for three days meeting with students, TLC and department heads to gather and share information. The WPA consultants provided a report six weeks later that the Writing Fellows used to develop recommendations for the campus:
- Lastly, the Writing Fellows created an action plan based on the WPA Consultants report to guide implementation of their recommendations across campus: