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What is Academic Misconduct?
- What is Academic Misconduct? (UW System)
- Academic Honesty (UWT)
- Defining Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
Detecting and Documenting Academic Misconduct
- UWT Academic Conduct Process
- Student Conduct Incident Report
- TurnItIn on Canvas
- Student Conduct Code
Building a culture of integrity and accountability
- Promoting High Standards of Integrity & Accountability (UW System)
- The Fundamental Values of Academic Integrity (The Center for Academic Intergrity)
- Why Plagiarism is Wrong (Penn State)
- Developing a Moral Compass: What Is the Campus Climate for Ethics and Academic Integrity? (Association of American Colleges and Universities)
Helping students gain skills needed to avoid academic misconduct
- Takeaways from Kelvin Keown’s Presentation on (Teaching About) Plagiarism (UWT)
- 5 Tips that Help Students Avoid Plagiarism (Kaplan University Writing Center)
- Librarians Collaborate with Faculty to Help Students Avoid Plagiarism (College of Staten Island)
- Tips for Preventing Plagiarism among College Students (Faculty Focus)
- How can I Prevent Plagiarism? (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Preventing Plagiarism (Penn State)
- Reducing and Detecting Plagiarism (Westmont College)
- Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices
Structuring assignments to reduce potential plagiarism
- Revising Assignments to Reduce Plagiarism (Yale College)
- An Assignment that Prevents Plagiarism (Faculty Focus)
- Assignment Design Stratiges for Deterring Plagiarism (DePaul University)
Additional resources
- Community Standards and Student Conduct (UW System)
- Student Conduct Code for the University of Washington (Washington State Legislature)
- Detecting Plagiarism (Penn State)
- International Center for Academic Integrity
- Academic Conduct in Scholarly Activity or Research (College of William & Mary)
- Academic Integrity (Jamestown Community College Suny)
- Other Universities’ Writing Program Websites (Council of Writing Program Administrators)
- Plagiarism: Prevention & Response Developing a Culture of Academic Integrity (Lawrence University)
- Assignment Design Stratiges for Deterring Plagiarism (DePaul University)
- Faculty Resource on Grading (FROG, UW System)
- Malloch, A. E. (1976). A dialogue on plagiarism. College English, 38, pp. 165-174.
- Brian Martin: publications on plagiarism and scientific fraud
- McCabe, D.L. (2012). Cheating in College: Why Students Do It and What Educators Can Do About It. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.