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Center for Urban Waters
University of Washington Tacoma research at the Center for Urban Waters (CUW) is a highly collaborative university-led applied science program dedicated to finding globally-applicable solutions to urban water quality problems in the Pacific Northwest. Founded in 2010, CUW has become an important part of the conversation around the restoration, protection, and future of Puget Sound. Our wide network of partners, internships and employment opportunities, and locally-relevant research provide students with unique learning opportunities around dealing with complex environmental issues.
COVID-19 Updates
Our staff is mostly working from home and can still be reached by their regular phone numbers and email addresses, listed in our department directory.
For general questions, or if you need help identifying the appropriate person to contact, please send an email to
CUW in the News
News Story arrow_upward
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- Subscription?: no
News Story arrow_upward
- Type: clip
- Subscription?: yes
News Story arrow_upward
- Type: clip
- Subscription?: no
News Story arrow_upward
- Type: clip
- Subscription?: no
News Story arrow_upward
- Type: clip
- Subscription?: yes
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- Center for Urban Waters
Max Number of Stories: 5
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