Main Content
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A new pathway for a career in public service
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About this Initiative
The Institute for Innovation and Global Engagement (IIGE) coordinates the NextGen Civic Leader Corps Program for the University of Washington Tacoma.
Students enrolled in this program will join a national community of peers interested in careers in public service and supported by expert faculty and staff dedicated to developing the next generation of community and global leaders. NextGen Leaders will meet in classroom and formal and informal gatherings to share and support each other in their academic and professional growth. We aim to create opportunities to ensure historically underrepresented voices are present, heard, and leading in public spheres.
The NextGen Civic Leader Corps Program is a tri campus initiative in collaboration with UW Seattle's Evans School of Public Policy and Governance and UW Bothell's Office of Connected Partnerships, and is connected to the national Next Generation Service Corps | The Volcker Alliance. The Volcker Alliance states, "NextGen Service programs introduce undergraduates from all majors to public service values and build practical, collaborative leadership skills. NextGen Service opens the door to careers in public service for college students."
The Program launched at UW Tacoma in Fall 2022 and rolled out its first cohort in 2023-24, enrolling over 30 students in its first year with 10 graduates in Spring 2024. UW Tacoma partners currently include the Center for Student Involvement, the Milgard School of Business Center for Leadership and Social Responsibility, and the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences.
We are enrolling NOW for 2024-25!
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This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: light-theme
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List A: Core course
Students in the NextGen Civic Leadership Corps will take one 5-credit course from the list below that will provide them with theoretical grounding in government and/or community work:
TGH 203 Themes in Global Honors
TWRT 320 Rhetoric, Public Life, & Civic Engagement
TWRT 388 Writing for Social Change
TLAW 215 Introduction to International Organizations
TLAW 363 Law in Society
TLAW 423 International Law
TLAX 356 Latinx Urban Communities 
TPOL S 201 Intro to Political Values and Ideas
TPOL S 202 Intro American Politics
TPOL S 230 International Human Rights
TPOL S 325 Issues in Local Government
TPOL S 343 Community and Labor Organizing: A Multicultural Perspective
TPOL S 497 State Internship (5 of 15 credits will count towards List A)
T MGMT 420 Managing Corporate Social Responsibility
T SUD 475 Community and Economy
T URB 235 Community Development
T URB 316 Cities and Belonging
T URB 432 Understanding Metropolitan Regions
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: light-theme
- Show Full Image: Unspecified. Using Default: "Fill Container, Allow Cropping"
- Image Position: center center
List C: Signature events
NextGen students are expected to engage in opportunities to network with community-members, faculty, and potential employers who share the aspirations of the NextGen program by attending at least three signature cohort events, examples are below. Students are encouraged to attend events sponsored or approved by other tri campus programs in Seattle and Bothell to complete this requirement. At one of these events, the student should present or otherwise take on a leadership role in its planning or execution.
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: light-theme
- Show Full Image: Unspecified. Using Default: "Fill Container, Allow Cropping"
- Image Position: center center
List B: Experiential Learning
NextGen Civic Leader Corps students will gain practical experience in community-based and/or government work through internships or community-engaged research by completing an approved 5 credit internship or independent study. Students will work with their major and NextGen advisor to identify a community partner or organization and UWT internship course that aligns with the learning objectives of their major and the NextGen program. The list of internship courses students can sign up for includes, but is not limited to: TPOL S 497, TPOL S 496, TSOCW 415, TEE 497, TCSS 497, TSPAN 496, TIAS 496, TESC 494, T GH 496, TURB 498, T SUD 498, TGID 499, THLEAD 496).
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: light-theme
- Show Full Image: Unspecified. Using Default: "Fill Container, Allow Cropping"
- Image Position: center center
Complete the Microcredential
Students completing all requirements will earn the NextGen Leader Corps digital badge. Summary of requirements is below:
One 5-credit course from List A
One 5-credit course from List B
At least three events from List C
Present project/paper at a public forum included in List C