Main Content
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Our Strategic Goals
Create and disseminate knowledge through diverse intellectual contributions
Offer distinctive programs and centers responsive to community needs and market demands
Equip students for meaningful and successful careers
Cultivate alumni to serve as ambassadors supporting the business community, one another, and the school
Invest in faculty and staff to optimize the potential in their careers and contributions to the school
Bolster an inclusive culture built on trust, respect, collaboration, and constructive dialogue
This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
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Our Code of Conduct guides personal and professional conduct and obligates faculty and staff to function as an accessible, collaborative team.
Accordions don't have settings which need debugging arrow_downward
Milgard School staff and faculty are honest, reliable, and act with the highest integrity. We operate under a mandate to maintain, strengthen and improve the public's trust and confidence in the School by meeting our obligations and delivering what we promise.
Milgard faculty and staff respect each other and act with unfailing kindness toward each other and with all individuals with whom they interact. We believe that a demonstrated courtesy, consideration, and sympathy for colleagues, students and the wider community are a non-negotiable hallmark of who we are.
Milgard faculty and staff maintain an unwavering commitment to students and to the wider community. We act to preserve and enhance accessibility to our stakeholders.
Milgard faculty and staff recognize that we are at our best and strongest when we perform as a team. We believe that together we can achieve far greater things than we can individually.
Milgard Faculty and Staff value and honor diversity and inclusiveness. We welcome diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives as an integral part of who we are.