Main Content
This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Background Image: ""
- Theme: "light-theme"
- Header Style: "purple_dominant"
- Card Height Setting: "consistent_row_height"
- Section Parallax: "0"
- Section Parallax Height: ""
Submit an event or news to our social media pages!
You may use this form to submit announcements and relevant newsworthy stories such as accomplishments and upcoming events. Please provide as much information as possible. For upcoming events, it's preferable to give at least a weeks notice. For news to share, we encourage you to submit recent news (within the last 4-6 weeks).
Please review our
before submitting your request.
We also encourage you to share your own photos (these must be owned by you); there is a place at the end of this form to upload. You may be asked to use a Gmail account to log in before submitting photos.
The School of Education (SOE) reserves the right to edit or modify submissions, or to not post if a submission is defamatory, irrelevant, or violates our guidelines. If you encounter any difficulties submitting or uploading files, you may email your information to our main account at