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MMVP Projects
Current projects
We are hosting an online, international survey of men who have attended events related to preventing gender-based violence. This is the third phase of a larger project aimed at describing the range of approaches used globally to engage men proactively in the prevention of violence against women. Past phases of the project included:
- An online survey of international violence prevention agencies, and men's and fatherhood organizations to assess worldwide efforts to engage men in violence prevention.
- In-depth interviews with organizations around the world that engage men in violence prevention, to understand their programs and strategies for inviting men into prevention.
Contact us about past or current projects
Past projects
- Qualitative interviews with organizations around the world that engage men in preventing gender-based violence, with a goal of understanding strategies for and barriers to this work globally.
- Worked with Men Engage North America to analyze recent national survey and help build a research infrastructure for the North American network.
- Engaging expectant fathers to prevent violence against women and children. Conducted interviews and focus groups with providers and fathers to identify promising strategies for engaging new and expectant fathers.
- Rich Tolman on the Conversation:
Transition to Fatherhood Forum
- Casey, E.A., Allen, C.T., Tolman, R.M., Carlson, J.M., & Leek, C. (in press). Walking the walk or just talk: Willingness to take violence preventative action in a global sample of men. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma.
- Allen, C.T., Carlson, J.M., Casey, E.A. , Tolman, R. & Leek, C. (in press). Examining men’s perceptions of gender-based violence prevention programming content. Violence Against Women
- Casey, E.A., Leek, C., Tolman, R., Allen, C.T. & Carlson, J.M. (2017). Getting men in the room: Perceptions of effective strategies to initiate men’s involvement in gender-based violence prevention in a global sample. Culture, Health, and Sexuality, 19, 979-995.
- Casey, E.A., Tolman, R., Carlson, J.M., Storer, H., & Allen, C.T. (2017). What motivates men’s involvement in gender-based violence prevention?: Latent class profiles and correlates in an international sample of men. Men and Masculinities, 20, 294-316.
- Carlson, J.M., Allen, C.T., Storer, H., Leek, C., Casey, E.A. & Tolman, R. (2017). Participants’ perceptions of the nature of events aimed at engaging men to eliminate gender-based violence. Global Social Welfare, 4, 91-103.
- Tolman, R., Casey, E.A., Carlson, J.M., Allen, C.T., Leek, C. & Storer, H.L. (2016; online first). A global exploratory analysis of men participating in gender-based violence prevention. Journal of Interpersonal Violence
- Storer, H.L., Casey, E.A., Carlson, J., Edleson, J.L. & Tolman, R. (in press) Primary prevention is? A global perspective on how organizations engaging men in preventing gender-based violence conceptualize and operationalize their work. Violence Against Women.
- Carlson, J.C., Casey, E.A., Edleson, J. & Tolman, R., Neugut, T. & Kimball, E. (2015; online). Strategies to engage men and boys in violence prevention: a global organizational perspective. Violence Against Women. PMCID: In progress
- Casey, E.A., Carlson, J.C., Fraguela-Rios, C., Kimball, E., Neugut, T., Tolman, R., & Edleson, J. (2013) Context, challenges, and tensions in global efforts to engage men in the prevention of violence against women: An ecological analysis. Men and Masculinities, 16, 227-249. PMC4283930
- Kimball, E., Edleson, J.L., Tolman, R.M., Neugut, T. & Carlson, J. (In press). Global efforts to engage men in violence prevention: An international survey. Violence Against Women.
- Casey, E. & Ohler, K. (2012). Being a positive bystander: Male anti-violence allies' experiences of 'stepping up'. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 27, 62-83.
- Tolman, R.M. & Edleson, J.L. (2010) Intervening With Men for Violence Prevention. In Renzetti, C.R., Edleson, J.L. & Bergen, R.K. (Eds.). Sourcebook on Violence Against Women (2nd edition) (pp. 351-367). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Neugut, T.B., Edleson, J.L. & Tolman, R.M. (Forthcoming). Children exposed to domestic violence: Prevention approaches with mothers and fathers. In Alexander, S., Alexander, R. & Guterman, N. (Eds.). Prevention of child maltreatment. St. Louis, MO: G.W. Medical Publishing.
- Casey, E. & Smith, T. (2010). "How can I not?" Men's pathways to involvement in anti-violence against women work. Violence Against Women, 16, 953-973.
- Carlson, J., Wilson, R., & Edleson, J.L. (2012). Identifying new and expectant fathers' supports and challenges to prevent child exposure to domestic violence. Poster presented at the Minnesota Social Service Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN, March 14, 2012.