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TMATH 098 (Intermediate Algebra) is an algebra review course equivalent to the second year of high school algebra. It is offered by Tacoma Community College (TCC) but located on the University of Washington, Tacoma campus for the convenience of UWT students (called Math 95 at TCC). No college credit is given for this course. It is offered for students who have not met the minimum prerequisite for college level math courses or for courses requiring prerequisites in mathematics. In Washington state overall, almost half the entering freshman place into Intermediate Algebra.
The number of TMATH 098 sections are limited. Students will be enrolled at UW Tacoma and TCC campuses and entry codes are required for registration. To request entry into the course or questions, send an email using your UW email address including your name and student ID number to Please note that approved entry into the course requires a satisfacory placement test score or proof of college credit in an acceptable prerequisite. For credit/schedule questions contact your Academic Advisor or book an appointment.
A minimum number of students must enroll or the course will be subject to cancellation.
Financial aid requirements
TMATH 098 meets the enrollment requirements for financial aid. All financial aid funds should disburse as scheduled if you are enrolled in this course. Tuition for this course is separate from your UW tuition and you are responsible for making payment directly to TCC. If you register for TMATH 098 less than two weeks prior to or after the start of the quarter, please inform the UWT Office of Student Financial Aid by sending an email to Please note:
- Because TMATH 098 is not a college-level course it carries no credits and 0 credits are reflected on your schedule and transcripts.
- Although it carries no credits, it is considered a 5 credit hour class and will count towards your enrollment status. Only 7 other credits will need to be taken to be considered full-time.
- Students needing verification of full-time academic status for outside scholarship purposes should request a copy of their enrollment verification from the Registrar's Office.
For questions about Financial Aid contact a Financial Aid Advisor (253-692-4374,
Tuition and fees
The tuition charge for this course is handled separately from UWT tuition and must be paid by the student directly to TCC.
Tuition for TMATH 098 will be paid directly to Tacoma Community College at their current rate for a 5-credit class. Current TCC tuition rates can be found on the their tuition webpage. Please note:
- You are responsible for paying your TCC tuition directly to TCC.
- Your TCC tuition is due by 5:00 pm on the third Thursday of the quarter during the academic year. Students will be dropped from the class if payment is not made.
- Tuition rates and fees subject to change by the Washington State Legislature.