Main Content
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Residence Classification Requirements
The Office of the Registrar has detailed information on residency classification, the residency affidavit and the residency questionnaire. Residency is determined by several factors in addition to physical residence in Washington and may be established through the submission of documentary evidence. Any student seeking clarification regarding residency classification should review the information at the Understanding Washington Residency website or contact the Office of the Registrar.
This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
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Veteran and Military Residency
Active-duty military personnel stationed in the state of Washington, their spouses and dependent children are eligible for resident (in-state) tuition. An exemption to Washington residency is allowed for many veterans and their families, based on state law, who would otherwise not qualify due to the 12-month physical presence requirement. Please review all of the options available to veterans, active military and their families. Consult the Veteran and Military Resource Center for further assistance.