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School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
(established 1990 as Liberal Studies; changed name 1998; became a school 2014)
- Bill Richardson, founding director (1990-1996*)
- Michael Kalton, director (1997-2000)
- Bill Richardson, director (2000-2006)
- Cheryl Greengrove, director (2006-2009)
- Lawrence Knopp, director (2009-2013)
- William Kunz, director (2013-2014)
- Cheryl Greengrove, interim dean (2014-2016)
- Anne Clark Bartlett, dean (2016 - 2021)
- Divya McMillin, interim dean (2021 - 2022)
- Natalie Eschenbaum, dean (2022 - present)
*Bill Richardson served as acting UW Tacoma dean 1994-95.
Milgard School of Business
(established 1994 as Business Administration; changed name 2003)
- Patricia Fandt, founding director (1994-2004)
- Shahrokh Saudagaran, dean (2004-2015)
- Jill Purdy, interim dean (2015-2016)
- Howard L. Smith, dean (2016 - 2019)
- Altaf Merchant,** dean (2019 - present)
**Altaf Merchant served as interim director from 2019-2020 before being named dean
School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership
(established 1992; became a school 2019)
- Sharon Gavin Fought, founding director (1992-1998)
- Janet Primomo, interim director (1998-1999)
- June Lowenberg, interim director (spring 1999)
- Marjorie Dobratz, director (1999-2008)
- Sharon Gavin Fought, director (2008-2020), dean (2020-2022)
- David Reyes, dean (2022 - present)
School of Education
(established 1992; became a school 2016)
- Ron Butchart, founding director (1992-1997)
- Frank “Buster” Brouillet, director (1997-1999)
- Ginger MacDonald, director (1999-2007)
- Kären Landenburger, director (2007-2015)
- Matthew Weinstein, interim director (2015-2016)
- Brian McAlister, interim director (2016-2017)
- Rachel Endo, dean (2017 - present)
School of Urban Studies
(established 2001; become a school 2019)
- Brian Coffey, founding director (2001-2010, 2011-2013)
- Lisa Hoffman, interim director (2010-2011)
- Ali Modarres, director (2013-2020), dean (2020 - 2021)
- Lisa Hoffman, interim dean (2021-2022)
- Ali Modarres, dean (2022 - 2024)
- David Reyes, interim dean (2024 - present)
School of Engineering & Technology
(established 1999 as Computing and Software Systems; changed name 2001 to Institute of Technology; became a school 2016; changed name in 2018)
- Larry Crum, founding director (1999-2005)
- Orlando Baiocchi, director (2005-2011)
- Robert Friedman, director (2011-2015)
- Raj Katti, dean*** (2015 - present)
***Raj Katti served as interim director from 2015-2017 before being named dean
School of Social Work & Criminal Justice
(established 1998; became a school 2019)
- Marceline Lazzari, founding director (1998-2007)
- Thomas Diehm, acting director (2007-2008, 2016-2017)
- Rich Furman, director (2008-2011)
- Diane Young, director (2011-2016, 2017-2019)
- Marceline Lazzari and Jeff Cohen, co-interim directors, 2019-2020)
- Marceline Lazzari, acting dean (2020-2021)
- Keva Miller, dean (2021 - present)
Undergraduate Education
(established 2006 as General Education; changed name in 2010)
- Beth Kalikoff, founding director (2006-2009)
- Ingrid Walker, director (2009-2011)
- John Banks, director (2011-2013)
- Deirdre Raynor, director (2013-present)
UW Tacoma Professional Development Center
(established 2003)
- Alice Dionne, director (2003-2010)
- Lisa Reeves, director (2012-2021)
- Christopher Cellars, interim director (2021-2022)
- Saralyn Smith, interim director (2022-present)