Staying in community despite the Omicron variant
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This message was sent to all UW Tacoma academic personnel, staff and students.
I hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and positive, despite our continued challenges. I am deeply grateful to those of our staff and faculty who have been on campus throughout the pandemic, never having had the option to work from home; and I am equally grateful to those of you who pivoted to find creative ways to support students and our mission remotely.
Last week, UW President Cauce and Provost Richards provided additional flexibility to the UW community as we grapple with the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 and the Omicron variant.
I am sensitive to the fact that last Friday’s message may have had a significant impact on your planning for the next several weeks. While for the most part classes will be offered remotely through Jan. 28, there are exceptions — and campus IS open. Students should be checking with instructors for updates on their specific classes and labs, and services across campus remain open to students.
It is very hard for all of us, including university and campus leadership, to know what is coming next. We are building the plane as we fly it. It is at times like this that I remember: we are all on this plane together, and are flying somewhere none of us has been before.
Many of you have reached out to me with thoughtful comments and impressive ideas about how we should move forward. To you I say — thank you. Your solutions-oriented commitment to our mission of expanding access to education in our community is clear.
I take seriously every comment and idea I hear. My job is to put these ideas into the context of the vastly varying circumstances of the students, staff and faculty within our community. It is like a big jigsaw puzzle where at this point some of the pieces are simply not evident. But I have high confidence that, together, we will successfully navigate the puzzle and our destination will be once again in focus.
In the meantime, I ask for your continued patience and your grace. We are striving to serve our students and provide flexibility while keeping everyone as safe as possible. Below, you will find links to campus and university resources that may provide you with needed support.
Thank you for everything you do for UW Tacoma.
Faculty and staff: UW CareLink webinars help promote well-being and productivity. Topics include preventing burnout, staying positive while performing difficult work, practicing relaxation techniques, and more. Register for one or more of these topics.
Students: Psychological & Wellness Services provides confidential mental health counseling and related services for currently enrolled UW Tacoma students at no additional cost. PAWS also provides consultation to faculty, staff and university student families.
COVID-19 guidance flowchart | Level up your facemask | Updated quarantine and isolation guidance
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