Main Content
This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
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Posting and Solicitation Guidelines for the General Public
Solicitation or distribution of handbills, pamphlets or similar materials by the general public will be permitted only in areas of the campus that have been designated, by appropriate officials of the University, to have public access. Pamphlets and other printed materials may not be distributed at other locations on the UW Tacoma campus unless authorized by the UW Tacoma Implementation Committee.
Individuals distributing pamphlets and other printed materials at authorized locations must obey all applicable policies and procedures of the University and all applicable public laws. Generally, there are three areas on the UW Tacoma campus where it is permissible for the general public to distribute pamphlets and other printed materials. These areas are located at:
- The junction of Jefferson and 19th Streets within the circle at the top of the central stairway
- The junction of the central stairway and Commerce Street near the University flagpole
- The junction of Pacific Avenue and the bottom of the central stairway
Posting of Temporary Signage
Bulliten Boards: Those for general use by the surrounding community, or Community Use Boards, are for postings involving off-campus community events only. The posters must be approved and stamped by the Center for Student Involvement in the University YMCA Student Center, Room 107. Community Use Boards are gray in color and will be identified with a label.
Below you will find the Campus Bulletin Board Map:
Please only post items in the designated areas. Flyers may be a maximum size of 11 x 17 inches and should be removed no later than 3 days after your event.