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On this page: Processes for Proposing New Undergraduate Programs | Preparing the PNOI | Full Proposals | Proposing Honors Programs and Curriculum | Additional Resources
Undergraduate Program Change Proposals
Program proposals for undergraduate academic programs must be submitted on the University Curriculum Management System (UWCM). Please refer to the APCC Best Practices for Program Proposals.
Please work with your unit program coordinator to post and submit these materials on UWCM.
Processes for Proposing a New Undergraduate Degree Program (Read First)
Prior to proposing new programs, please follow the Academic Planning Policy
- Please see the APCC Best Practices for Program Proposals
Preparing the PNOI (Read Second):
- IN ORDER TO SUBMIT A PNOI FOR REVIEW, A UW Tacoma (Questionnaire for Invigorating Academic Programs (Appendix A of the Academic Planning Policy) must be completed. Submissions will be collected here: Qualtrics Survey (
- PNOI Instructions
- Frequently asked questions. Will create as questions come.
Full Proposal Stage (Read Third):
PNOIs for undergraduate degree programs that have been approved can move to the full proposal stage. There is a 15-month deadline to complete the proposal process.
Undergraduate Full Proposal Guidelines
A portion of the material in the proposal document will need to be submitted on UWCM. These sections will be identified very soon.
Processes for Proposing a New Undergraduate Minor
Follow the same instructions for new programs above.
Proposing Honors Programs and Curriculum
If your school or program wishes to propose Major Honors and/or Major Integrated Honors pathways, APCC recommends consulting with the Institute for Global Engagement's Honors Executive Committee.
Visit this website for a complete list of UW Tacoma Honors.
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