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Matt Kelley, Urban Studies (chair, with Jeff Cohen, Social Work, Jenny Quinn, IAS, Ruth Vanderpool, IAS, and Sushil Oswal, IAS
The Online Learning Fellows were charged with examining online teaching and learning at UWTacoma. They researched the best institutional practices to increase online learning. Through their research, they discovered there were no clear policies governing online learning at UWTacoma. The Fellows worked with faculty, students, and administration to develop a comprehensive online learning process for UWTacoma. The Fellows developed recommendations for the campus’ online learning policy.
The Online Learning Fellows have:
- Examined what is known about online learning using secondary data and literature.
- Gathered data on the campus climate at UWTacoma, from faculty who are and are not teaching online and through two Catalyst surveys one for faculty and one for undergraduate students, to gauge the interest in online learning.
- Asked sixty faculty members to participate in an online learning survey in the spring of 2013, and, based on those results, members identified key topics to address.
- Results from the surveys indicated intellectual property as a top theme for faculty. Student responses indicated support for online classes because they appreciate the flexibility.
- The survey data report is available and was shared with Faculty Assembly Executive Council.
- Sent Jeff Cohen to serve on the Provost's Online Task Force for the 2013-2014 academic year.