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On this page: New Graduate Degree Programs | New Graduate Certificate Programs
For more information on new graduate degrees or certificates, please see the link on proposing a new program through the graduate school.
New Graduate Degree Programs
The approval process for new graduate degree programs includes submission of two documents: the Planning Notice of Intent (PNOI) and the Full Program Proposal. New degree programs require Graduate School review, including evaluation by external reviewers, followed by consideration and approval by UWT Academic Policy and Curriculum Committee. Proposals are forwarded to the UW Board of Regents for final approval.
Processes for Proposing a New Graduate Degree Program (Read First)
Preparing the PNOI (Read Second)
- IN ORDER TO SUBMIT A PNOI FOR REVIEW, A UW Tacoma (Questionnaire for Invigorating Academic Programs (Appendix A of the Academic Planning Policy) must be completed. Submissions will be collected here: Qualtrics Survey (
- PNOI Graduate Degree Guidelines
- Stakeholder Feedback Guidance
- PNOI Due Dates
New Graduate Certificate Programs
Academic units submit a proposal, which will be sent by the Graduate School to academic stakeholders from the three UW campuses. The proposal will be revised as needed, taking into account any observations that stakeholders have submitted during the comment periods. New certificate programs require Graduate School review, followed by consideration and approval by UWT Academic Policy and Curriculum Committee, and approval of the UWT Executive Associate Vice Chancellor. Proposals are forwarded to the UW Board of Regents for final approval.
Processes for Proposing a New Graduate Certificate Program (Read First)
- New Graduate Certificate Proposal Flowchart
- UWT New Graduate Certificate Proposal Process
- New Graduate Certificate Proposal Checklist
Preparing the PNOI (Read Second)
- IN ORDER TO SUBMIT A PNOI FOR REVIEW, A UW Tacoma (Questionnaire for Invigorating Academic Programs (Appendix A of the Academic Planning Policy) must be completed. Submissions will be collected here: Qualtrics Survey (
- PNOI Graduate Certificate Guidelines
- Stakeholder Feedback Guidance
- PNOI Due Dates
Graduate Program Change Proposals
The APCC reviews and approves graduate program modifications. All program materials should be submitted through the APCC Canvas site prior to the APCC meeting.
Schools should consult with the Graduate School’s Office of Academic Affairs and Planning when considering program modifications. This should be done in advance of submitting changes to the APCC to ensure if the proposed change needs to be approved by the Graduate School, the documentation and process meet their requirements.
Please visit the Graduate School’s change to existing programs website for additional information.