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The Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences major provides broad exposure to key areas of knowledge within the arts and sciences while stressing their interconnectedness. This degree is based on core courses in history, environmental science, literature/arts, social science, and an introduction to Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences and allows students to maximize the potential of interdisciplinary studies while gaining the skills they need to be successful in a rapidly changing society and world.
Degree Requirements
For the Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences major, you need to complete 67 credits to meet the degree requirements. You must earn a total of 180 quarter credits, or 225 quarter credits for a double degree, in order to earn a bachelor of arts degree in your chosen major.
For more information, contact an academic advisor.
You need to complete 22 core credits and 45 elective credits (15 credits from each of the three elective lists) to complete the degree Courses used toward your core requirement cannot be double-counted as elective credits.
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List A - 5 credits from one of the following courses:
- THIST 150 World History: Prehistory to 1500
- THIST 151 World History II 1500-Present
- THIST 200 American History I, 1607-1877
- THIST 201 American History II 1877-Present
List B - 5 credits from one of the following courses:
List C - 5 credits from one of the following courses:
- TARTS 200 Studio Foundation I: Contemporary Art Strategies
- TFILM 201 Film Studies (formerly TFILM 272)
- TLIT 101 Understanding Literature (formerly TLIT 200)
List D - 5 credits from one of the following courses:
- TECON 101 Understanding Economics
- TPOLS 202 Introduction to American Politics
- TPSYCH 101 Introduction to Psychology
Required 2-credit course
A minimum of 35 credits must be upper-division. A minimum of 20 credits must be at the 400-level.
- 15 credits from Lists E/F - Scientific Thinking/Humans and Their Environment (at least 5 credits from each category)
- 15 credits from Lists G/H - History or The Human Past/Society and Culture or The Human Present (at least 5 credits from each category)
- 15 credits from Lists I/J - Literature/Visual and Performing Arts (at least 5 credits from each category)
List E - Scientific Thinking
- TBIOL 203 History and Ecology of Biological Invasions (formerly TESC 402)
- TBIOL 204 Tropical Ecology and Sustainability (formerly TESC 304)
- TBIOL 422 Evolution (formerly TESC 422)
- TESC 201 The Science of Environmental Sustainability
- TESC 239 Energy and the Environment
- TGEOS 227 Earth History (formerly TESC 227)
- TGEOS 243 Geography of the Physical Environment (formerly TESC 243)
- TGEOS 341 Climate Change (formerly TESC 341)
- TMATH 105 Analytical Thinking (Previously TMATH 214)
- TMATH 110 Introductory Statistics with Applications
- TMATH 116 Precalculus II: Trigonometry
- TMATH 120 Precalculus
- TMATH 124 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I
- TMATH 210 Intermediate Statistics with Applications (formerly TMATH 310)
- TPHIL 250 Practical Reasoning
- TPHIL 456 Environmental Ethics
List F - Humans and Their Environment
- TBIOL 232 Issues in Biological Conservation (formerly TESC 232)
- TBIOL 234 Biology, History, and Politics of Salmon in the Pacific Northwest (formerly TESC 234)
- TBIOL 236 Sustainable Agriculture (formerly TESC 236)
- TBIOL 240 Human Biology and Environmental Interactions (formerly TESC 240)
- TBIOL 270 Genetics and Society (formerly TESC 370)
- TESC 345 Pollution and Public Policy
- TEST 332 A Natural History of Garbage
- THIST 487 Technology in the Modern World
- TLAW 339 Washington Environmental Law
- TLAW 438 Environmental Law (formerly TPOLS 438)
- TPHYS 315 Meterology (formerly TESC 315)
- TRELIG 350 Philosophy, Religion and the Environment
- TWOMN 211 Women in Science (formerly TEST 211)
List G -History or The Human Past
- TCOM 254 Communication History (formerly TCOM 354)
- TECON 350 Economic History of Europe
- TEGL 301 Introduction to Indigenous Women and Feminism
- THIST 150 World History: Prehistory to 1500
- THIST 151 World History II 1500 to Present
- THIST 200 American History I, 1607-1877
- THIST 201 American History II, 1877-present
- THIST 220 African American History 1619-1865
- THIST 221 African-American History 1865-1945
- THIST 222 African-American History 1945-Present
- THIST 251 The Global Twentieth Century
- THIST 350 Modern Germany
- THIST 366 Europe in the Twenty-First Century
- THIST 375 British Empire
- THIST 413 Civil Rights, Civil Liberties
- THIST 451 Renaissance Europe
- TPHIL 355 The Modern Mind
- TPHIL 358 History of Philosophy: Medieval and Modern
- TPHIL 360 History of Philosophy: Modern and Contemporary
- TPHIL 367 Utopias
- TPHIL 451 The Enlightenment
- TWOMN 347 History of Women in the United States
List H - Society and Culture or The Human Present
- TANTH 354 History of the Concept of Culture
- TCOM 221 Artificial Intelligence: Media, Culture, and Power
- TEGL 112 Introduction to Indigenous Studies
- TEGL 202 Introduction to Contemporary American Indian Issues
- TEGL 266 Introduction to Labor Studies (formerly TSOC 266)
- TEGL 302 Tribal Critical Race Theory and Critical Race Theory
- TEGL 303 Introduction to American Indian Education
- TEGL 401 Critical and Indigenous Methodologies
- THIST 416 Life and Thought: Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Angela Davis
- THIST 475 Twentieth-Century Britain
- TPHIL 361 Ethics in Society
- TPOLS 230 International Human Rights (formerly TPOLS 311)
- TRELIG 365 Hinduism and Buddhism
- TRELIG 366 Islam
- TPSYCH 240 Social Psychology
- TPSYCH 345 Stereotyping, Prejudice and Discrimination
- TPSYCH 360 Health Psychology
- TPSYCH 403 Psychology of Black Women
- TPSYCH 404 Psychology of Food and Culture
- TPSYCH 411 Psychology and the Arts
- TPSYCH 418 Lifespan Imaginative Play
- TPSYCH 422 Psychology and the Legal System
- TPSYCH 445 Psychology of Superheroes
- TPSYCH 450 Contemplative Science
- TPSYCH 455 Immigrant Youth Development
- TPSYCH 460 Sport Psychology
- TSOC 434 Women, Race, and Class: Identity and Intergroup Relations
- TSOC 455 Sociology of Gender
- TURB 340 Urban Social Change
List I - Literature
- TLAX 277 Latin American Literature (formerly THISP 277)
- TLAX 355 Migration and the Transnational family in Latino Literature and Film (formerly THISP 355)
- TLAX 476 Latin American Women Writers (formerly THISP 476)
- TLIT 101 Understanding Literature (formerly TLIT 200)
- TLIT 220 Literature and the Arts
- TLIT 230 Multi-Ethnic American Literature
- TLIT 240 Studies in English Literature
- TLIT 251 Ancient Literature of Western Civilization
- TLIT 252 Medieval and Renaissance Literature of Western Civilization
- TLIT 253 Modern Literature of Western Civilization
- TLIT 305 American Literary Movements, Genres, and Historical Periods
- TLIT 306 Studies in Selected American Writers
- TLIT 311 Themes in American Literature
- TLIT 313 American Poetry
- TLIT 320 African American Literature from Slavery to the Present
- TLIT 324 African American Women's Literature
- TLIT 325 Medical and Ethical Issues in Literature and Culture
- TLIT 331 Immigrant and Ethnic Literature
- TLIT 332 Asian American Literature
- TLIT 338 Writing in the Pacific Northwest
- TLIT 343 Shakespeare
- TLIT 351 Ancient Greek Tragedy (formerly TLIT 453)
- TLIT 352 Medieval Quests (formerly TLIT 455)
- TLIT 371 The World Stage
- TLIT 380 Myth and Literary Sagas in Creative Expression
- TLIT 388 Cross Cultural Studies in Contemporary Women's Fiction
- TLIT 390 Varieties of Literary Criticism
- TLIT 406 Children's and Young Adult Literature
- TLIT 425 Literature of the Harlem Renaissance
- TLIT 431 Contemporary Native American Women's Literature
- TLIT 432 American Indian Literature
- TLIT 433 Native American Literature and Federal Indian Law
- TLIT 437 Topics in Literature and Environment
- TLIT 476 American Women's Literature: Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Texts
- TWRT 270 Poetry Writing (formerly TWRT 370)
- TWRT 280 Introduction to Fiction Writing (formerly TWRT 380)
- TWRT 470 Advanced Poetry Writing
- TWRT 480 Advanced Fiction Writing
List J - Visual and Performing Arts
- TARTS 200 Studio Foundation I: Contemporary Art Strategies
- TARTS 240 Landscape in Contemporary Art
- TARTS 280 3-Dimensional Art and Contemporary Approaches to Sculpture
- TARTS 281 Art and Culture in India
- TARTS 284 Art and Culture in the Pacific
- TARTS 311 History of Rock and Roll
- TARTS 314 Rap Music, Identity and Culture
- TARTS 315 Music and Crisis
- TARTS 367 Ideas through Objects: A Conceptual Approach to Art
- TARTS 386 Contemporary Art and Studio Drawing
- TARTS 404 Art in a Time of War
- TARTS 405 Cultural Identity and Art
- TARTS 406 Labor, Globalization, and Art
- TARTS 407 Art and the Public
- TARTS 411 History of Jazz
- TARTS 469 Art Theories, Methods, Philosophies
- TARTS 471 Culture and Meaning in the Visual Arts
- TFILM 201 Film Studies (formerly TFILM 272) (may not be used if used on list C)
- TFILM 348 Film and Human Values
- TFILM 377 Spanish Film (formerly THISP 377)
- TFILM 420 Contemporary World Cinema
- TFILM 481 Film Theory and Aesthetics
- TFILM 483 Film Directors
- THIST 336 Black, Labor, and Protest Music in Historic Perspective
- THIST 377 Art of the Americas
- TLAX 376 Latin American Film (formerly THISP 376)
- TLAX 441 Mexican Cinema and Society (formerly THISP 441)
- TLAX 465 Latin American Visual Arts (formerly THISP 465)
- TLIT 371 The World Stage
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Learning Outcomes
As a graduate in the Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences major, you will possess a broad-based and liberal arts education. You will be expected to:
- understand the interdisciplinary nature of local, regional, national and global issues.
- develop skills in written, oral and visual communication and interpretation vital to success in any field of knowledge or profession.
- improve critical thinking skills that lead to the development of informed and involved citizenry.
- improve the understanding of the methodologies used by the humanities, social sciences and the natural sciences, and of the ways these methodologies complement each other in the examination of complex ideas.
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Career Options
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences students pursue careers in a number of areas, including but not limited to education, business, government and the non-profit sector. Many students planning to earn a post-baccalaureate certificate in elementary education choose this major because it allows them to gain a broad base of knowledge useful for their future classroom curricula. Students may also pursue graduate studies in a range of disciplines.