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Evaluation of student performance and progression
Admission to the Graduate School allows students to engage in graduate study at the University of Washington. Continuing in the Master of Nursing program occurs only as long as students maintain satisfactory performance and progress toward completion of the graduate degree program as outlined in Graduate School Policy 3.7. Students must also meet the requirements found in the University of Washington Student Conduct Code as amplified in the Nursing program's Essential Behaviors for Admission, Continuance, and Graduation and the Social Networking document.
Completion of the masters program requires that students make satisfactory progress each quarter by completing all required courses.
Evaluation of student performance
Assessment of student performance is based on the following guidelines:
- Satisfactory Progress
- Unsatisfactory Progress
- Evaluation Procedures: Quarterly Review and Annual Reviews
Satisfactory progress
A masters degree student who is making satisfactory progress meets the University and school standards relative to scholarship and performance in pursuit of the master's degree and includes each of the following:
- Maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA.
- Earn a quarterly GPA of 3.00 or higher.
- Earn a grade of 2.7 or higher in required courses.
- Meet all "Essential Behaviors" for continuation and graduation (see Essential Behaviors).
Unsatisfactory Progress
Students who are having academic difficulties are encouraged to work directly with their course instructor and faculty advisor. Students who are not making satisfactory progress in a course will be issued an academic progress update by the course faculty. Students who are not making satisfactory progress on the program of study (more than one course), as outlined in Graduate School Policy 3.7.3 and/or the Essential Behavior Document are issued a warning letter.
If the student is included on the UW Graduate School's Low Scholarship Report, the Graduate Program Advisor may recommend student for a warning, probation, final probation, or drop.
Final probation or drop may be recommended by the Graduate Program Coordinator to the UW Graduate School due to low grade point average or unsatisfactory performance and progress, and will be reviewed by the Dean of the Graduate School as outlined in Graduate School Policy 3.7 . Students will be informed of a change in status by letter from the Dean of the Graduate School.
See Documentation of Student Academic Progress.
Evaluation Procedures
Frequency of Evaluation of Progress: Master's student performance is reviewed on a quarterly and on an annual basis as described below. Student-faculty conferences may be initiated by the student or by a faculty member at any time.
Quarterly Reviews
Quarterly reviews are conducted by:
the Graduate Program Advisor:
- reviews the quarterly Low Scholarship Report from the UW Graduate School documenting students with a cumulative or quarterly G.P.A. less than 3.00;
- In collaboration with the Graduate Program Coordinator, seeks input from the faculty advisor, and MN Committee regarding a listed student;
- may recommend the following actions in writing to the Graduate School regarding a listed student: no action, warning, probation, final probation, or drop. If a change of status has been recommended, the Graduate School notifies the student in writing. A letter may also be sent by the Graduate Program Coordinator to the student's faculty advisor when a change of status has been recommended.
The Graduate Program Coordinator, Graduate Program Advisor, Faculty Advisor and appropriate course faculty:
- assess student's progress in the program, make progress notes in the student file, and may hold conferences with the student to discuss progress as needed;
- seek input from the MN Committee if progress is not being made.
- Reviews the records of a student on the Low Scholarship Report to determine if the student is meeting program requirements and making satisfactory progress noting the recommendations in the student file.
Annual reviews
Annual reviews are conducted in Summer quarter each year by the Graduate Program Coordinator and the Graduate Program Advisor. Students are notified in writing of the outcome of the annual review.
Approved by UW Tacoma Nursing faculty 3/7/01. Editorial revisions 11/5/01; 8/18/03; 9/3/2015
Updated to incorporate Graduate School and Program changes on 9/6/2023