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The UW Tacoma is part of the tri-campus University of Washington, and as such has access to all of the resources and machinery available through the nation’s largest research university. As part of this relationship, grants and contracts at all three campuses must be reviewed and approved by the UW Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). The UW Office of Research also provides excellent resources in the form of the MyResearch Lifecycle, a set of resources that step faculty through all phases of a research project from identifying funding sources and developing the proposal; setting up infrastructure for an awarded project; compliance such as human subjects (Institutional Review Board), animal use, and data management issues; financial management of awards; and final project reporting. Follow the links to find all the resources you need to conduct successful research at UW Tacoma:
Conducting Research at UW Tacoma
PI Resources Quick Start
Finding Funding
UW Tacoma Office of Research Funding
My Research Lifecycle