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- 10 credits, History (List A)
- 5 credits, Culture (List B)
- 5 credits, Interpretation in Literature (TLIT 200, TLIT 251, TLIT 252 or TLIT 253)
- 10 credits, Studio (5 credits upper-division creative writing* plus 5 additional credits from List D)
- 25 credits in Literature and Language (List G)
- 5 credits Visual and Performing Arts or Film and Media (List E or List F)
*creative writing courses are identified with ** in List D
- 10 credits, History (List A)
- 5 credits, Culture (List B)
- 5 credits, Interpretation in Film/Media (TFILM 272 or TFILM 201 or TCOM 201)
- 10 credits, Studio (5 credits upper-division TWRT plus 5 additional credits from List D)
- 25 credits in Film and Media (List F)
- 5 credits in Visual and Performing Arts or Literature and Language (List E or List G)
- 10 credits, History (List A)
- 5 credits, Culture (List B)
- 5 credits, Interpretation in Visual Arts (TARTS 200)
- 10 credits, Studio (5 credits upper-division TWRT plus 5 additional credits from List D)
- 25 credits in Studio Art (List D)
- 5 credits in Film and Media or Literature and Language (List F or List G)
- 10 credits, History (List A)
- 5 credits, Culture (List B)
- 10 credits, Interpretation in different tracks (must be from two different tracks)
- 10 credits, Studio (5 credits upper-division TWRT plus 5 additional credits from List D)
- 25 credits in List E-G (at least 5 credits from each list)
- TGH 301 Global Interactions *
- THIST 150 World History I: Prehistory-1500
- THIST 151 World History II: 1500-Present
- THIST 200 American History I, 1607-1877
- THIST 201 American History II 1877-present
- TAMST 210 American Cultures and Perspectives: Class, Ethnicity, Gender and Race
- TAMST 220 Introduction to Popular Culture (formerly TCULTR 210)
- TANTH 365 North American Indian Tradition
- TARTS 315 Music and Crisis
- TCOM 201 Media and Society
- THIST 356 History of Christianity
- THIST 365 Europe in the Twentieth Century
- THIST 385 Russian Civilization
- THIST 451 Renaissance Europe
- THIST 470 The Material World: Art and Artifacts
- THIST 477 Reformation and Counter-Reformation Europe
- THIST 478 Revolution, Industrialization and Modernity in European Culture (1780-1900)
- THIST 479 Modern European Culture
- TLAX 238 Latinos in the US (formerly THISP 238)
- TLAX 462 Women in Latin America (formerly THISP 462)
- TPHIL 355 Mind of Modernity
- TPHIL 357 The Greek Mind and Imagination
- TPHIL 358 History of Philosophy: Medieval and Modern
- TPHIL 360 History of Philosophy: Modern and Contemporary
- TPHIL 361 Ethics and Society
- TPHIL 362 The Beautiful and the Good: Philosophy’s Quest for Value
- TPHIL 451 The Enlightenment
- TPHIL 466 Modernity and Its Critics
- TPOLS 251 Cultural Studies
- TRELIG 210 Modern Theories of Religion (formerly TRELIG 305)
- TRELIG 350 Philosophy, Religion, and the Environment
- TRELIG 365 Hinduism and Buddhism
- TRELIG 366 Islam
For Track I: Literature:
- TLIT 101 Understanding Literature (formerly TLIT 200)
- TLIT 220 Literature and the Arts
- TLIT 251 Ancient Literature of Western Civilization
- TLIT 252 Medieval Literature of Western Civilization
- TLIT 253 Modern Literature of Western Civilization
For Track II: Film & Media:
- TCOM 201 Media and Society
- TFILM 201 Film Studies (Formerly TFILM 272)
For Track III: Visual and Performing Arts:
For Track IV: Comparative Arts:
- Any two of the courses listed above, each from a different track.
- TARTS 200 Studio Foundation I: Contemporary Art Strategies
- TARTS 203 Body Image and Art
- TARTS 240 Landscape in Contemporary Art
- TARTS 266 The Artist as Visionary
- TARTS 280 3-D Art & Contemporary Approaches to Sculpture
- TARTS 320 Improvisational Theater and Performance in Everyday Life
- TARTS 336 Glass Arts
- TARTS 367 Ideas Through Objects: A Conceptual Approach to Art
- TARTS 368 Human Figure in Contemporary Art
- TARTS 386 Contemporary Art and Studio Drawing
- TARTS 390 Site Specificity in Art
- TARTS 391 Reconstructing Self in Art
- TARTS 395 Community Arts Practice
- TARTS 402 Eco-Art: Art in Response to Environmental Crisis
- TARTS 404 Art in a Time of War
- TARTS 405 Cultural Identity and Art
- TARTS 406 Labor, Globalization and Art
- TARTS 407 Art and the Public
- TARTS 410 Community and Public Arts
- TCOM 348 Nonfiction Writing for Television **
- TCOM 349 News Writing **
- TCOM 351 Video Production
- TCOM 470 Documentary Production and Critique
- TCOM 471 Advanced Video Production **
- TCOM 486 Feature Writing for Print & Media **
- TFILM 350 Screenwriting **
- TWRT 200 Introduction to Creative Writing **
- TWRT 270 Introduction to Writing Poetry ** (formerly TWRT 370)
- TWRT 280 Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction ** (formerly TWRT 380)
- TWRT 287 Writing Creative Non-Fiction ** (formerly TWRT 387)
- TWRT 330 Written and Visual Rhetoric
- TWRT 333 Writing Through Comics **
- TWRT 360 Playwriting **
- TWRT 372 Writing Eco-Poetry **
- TWRT 382 Writing Popular Fiction **
- TWRT 384 Writing Historical Fiction ** (formerly TWRT 482)
- TWRT 388 Writing for Social Change ** (formerly TWRT 431)
- TWRT 470 Advanced Poetry Writing **
- TWRT 480 Advanced Fiction Writing **
(** denotes course counted as creative writing)
- TARTS 210 The African Diaspora through Music: The Rhythm, the Blues and Beyond
- TARTS 225 Musical History of Tacoma
- TARTS 281 Art and Culture in India
- TARTS 282 Art and Culture in China
- TARTS 283 Art and Culture in Japan
- TARTS 284 Art and Culture in the Pacific
- TARTS 311 History of Rock ‘n’ Roll
- TARTS 314 Rap Music, Identity and Culture
- TARTS 315 Music and Crisis
- TARTS 335 History of Photography
- TARTS 360 Women Artists from the Renaissance to the Present
- TARTS 383 South Sound Contemporary Art
- TARTS 386 Contemporary Art and Studio Drawing
- TARTS 411 The History of Jazz
- TEGL 464 Indigenous Health, Political Ethnoecology and Governance (formerly TANTH 464)
- THIST 378 American Architecture (formerly THIST 226)
- THIST 333 Early American Music, Art, Literature and Theater
- THIST 377 Art of the Americas
- THIST 379 Modern Architecture
- THIST 430 Introduction to Public History
- THIST 470 The Material World: Art and Artifacts
- THIST 478 Revolution, Industrialization and Modernity in European Art (1780-1900)
- THIST 479 Modern European Culture
- TLAX 465 Latin American Visual Arts (formerly THISP 465)
(* denotes course open to Global Honors students only)
- TAMST 410 Studies in U.S. Popular Culture (formerly TCULTR 410)
- TAMST 450 Monstrous Imagination (formerly TCULTR 450)
- TCOM 201 Media and Society
- TCOM 230 Globalization and Media
- TCOM 247 Television Studies
- TCOM 254 Communication History (formerly TCOM 354)
- TCOM 257 Ethical Issues in Mass Communications
- TCOM 258 Children and Television
- TCOM 310 Contemporary Environmental Issues and the Media
- TCOM 347 Television Criticism and Application
- TCOM 353 Critical Approaches to Mass Communications
- TCOM 380 Political Economy of the Media (formerly TCOM 480)
- TCOM 388 Russian Media Studies
- TCOM 430 Global Networks, Local Identities
- TCOM 440 Advertising and Consumer Culture
- TCOM 444 Gender, Ethnicity, Class and the Media
- TCOM 454 Communications Law
- TCOM 461 Media and Identity in Asia
- TCOM 470 Documentary Production & Critique
- TCOM 481 Communication Regulations & Policy
- TFILM 201 Film Studies (Formerly TFILM 272)
- TFILM 348 Film and Human Values
- TFILM 350 Screenwriting
- TFILM 377 Spanish Film (formerly THISP 377)
- TFILM 386 Silent Cinema
- TFILM 387 World Film 1927-1959
- TFILM 388 World Film 1960-2000
- TFILM 420 Contemporary World Cinema
- TFILM 434 Disability in Film (effective spring 2018)
- TFILM 438 Gender, Sexuality and Film
- TFILM 440 Writing Film Criticism
- TFILM 481 Film Theory and Criticism
- TFILM 483 Film Directors
- TFILM 484 French Cinema
- TFILM 485 Media Genres
- TFILM 486 Feminist Perspectives in Film and Literature
- TFILM 499 Special Topics in Film
- TLAX 376 Latin American Film (formerly THISP 376)
- TLAX 441 Mexican Cinema and Society (formerly THISP 441)
(* denotes course open to Global Honors students only)
- TLAX 267 Introduction to Chicano/a Literature (formerly THISP 267)
- TLAX 277 Latin American Literature (formerly THISP 277)
- TLAX 355 Migration and Transnational Family in Latino Literature and Film (formerly THISP 355)
- TLAX 476 Latin American Women Writers (formerly THISP 476)
- TLIT 101 Understanding Literature (formerly TLIT 200)
- TLIT 210 Studies in American Literature
- TLIT 237 Introduction to Literature and the Environment
- TLIT 240 Studies in English Literature
- TLIT 251 Ancient Literature of Western Civilization
- TLIT 252 Medieval Literature of Western Civilization
- TLIT 253 Modern Literature of Western Civilization
- TLIT 305 American Literary Movements, Genres, and Historical Periods
- TLIT 306 Studies in Selected American Writers
- TLIT 311 Themes in American Literature
- TLIT 313 American Poetry
- TLIT 320 African American Literature from Slavery to the Present
- TLIT 324 African American Women's Literature
- TLIT 332 Asian American Literature
- TLIT 335 Middle Eastern American Literature
- TLIT 338 Writing in the Pacific Northwest
- TLIT 343 Shakespeare
- TLIT 344 Oregon Shakespeare Festival
- TLIT 351 Ancient Greek Tragedy (formerly TLIT 453)
- TLIT 352 Medieval Quests (formerly TLIT 455)
- TLIT 371 The World Stage
- TLIT 388 Cross Cultural Studies in Contemporary Women's Literature
- TLIT 390 Varieties of Literary Criticism
- TLIT 406 Children's and Young Adult Literature
- TLIT 425 Literature of the Harlem Renaissance
- TLIT 431 Contemporary Native American Women's Literature
- TLIT 432 American Indian Literature
- TLIT 433 Native American LIterature and Federal Indian Law
- TLIT 437 Topics in Literature and Environment
- TLIT 438 American Folklore: Biographies of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender
- TLIT 458 Modern Novel
- TLIT 476 American Women's Literature: 19th & 20th Century Texts
- TLIT 481 Postcolonial Fiction
- TSPAN 351 Introduction to Hispanic Literary Studies (in Spanish)
(* denotes course open to Global Honors students only)