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Develop skills needed to communicate complex information in a way that is usable, compelling and grounded in user-centered design. Learn how to identify audience needs and make changes based on applied research. With the Technical Communication track, students can pursue their learning on careers such as technical writing, user experience, and even web design! For more information on these careers, check out the Alumni page.
Courses in writing, research and technical topics emphasize real-world design projects as you develop creatively and collaborative problem-solving skills. The Technical Communication track positions you for careers in technical writing, user experience (UX) and usability as well as other fields where scientific and technical writing plays a central role. Gain professional experience through internships and working with community partners.
Completion Requirements
To be eligible for graduation with the Bachelor of Arts degree, students enrolled in the program must meet the UW Tacoma scholastic standards (2.0 UW GPA), credits required (minimum 180) and the final-year residency requirement and complete the following program requirements:
- Complete all general education requirements not met with transfer courses. See advisor for details.
- Complete a minimum of 45 credits of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences course work. Some majors or concentrations may require more.
- Complete a minimum of 45 credits of upper-division course work, including transfer courses and UW Tacoma courses.
- Complete 5 credits of (C) Composition designated course with a minimum 2.0 grade.
- Complete the requirements for a major (minors are optional).
- No more than 15 elective credits can be taken for a Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory grade. See advisor for details.
- Complete at least 45 of last 60 credits in residence at the University of Washington Tacoma.
- 45 upper-division credits and 45 credits of SIAS courses are required for graduation from SIAS.
- Meet with an advisor to complete a graduation application no later than the second week of the quarter in which the student plans to graduate.
For the Technical Communication Track, you need to complete 65 credits. You need to earn 45 upper-division credits and 45 credits of School of IAS courses to meet degree requirements. You must earn a total of 180 quarter credits, or 225 quarter credits for a double degree, in order to earn a bachelor of arts degree in your chosen major.
Foundational courses: 10 credits
Technical Communication core courses: 20 credits
Creative, Scientific, and Technical topics: 35 credits
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One required course
- TWRT 291 Technical Communication in the Workplace (5)
Choose 5 credits from the following list. These courses can only be taken for credit once, as either Track Foundational Courses or Electives:
- TWRT 331 Writing in the Natural Sciences (5)
- TWRT 350 Principles of User Centered Design (5)
- TWRT 391 Advanced Technical Communication (5)
- TCOM 320 Principles of Web Design (5)
Choose 20 credits, see Writing Studies website for approved list of Technical Communication Electives.
- TWRT 292 Power, Privilege, and Bias in Technology Design
- TWRT 330 Written and Visual Rhetoric
- TWRT 331 Writing in the Natural Sciences
- TWRT 350 Principles of User Centered Design
- TWRT 353 User Experience Writing
- TWRT 355 Usability Testing and Research
- TWRT 391 Advanced Technical Communication
- TWRT 440 Cross-Cultural Communication Design
- TWRT 450 Principles of Accessible Design
- TCOM 220 Social Media
- TCOM 320 Principles of Web Design
- TCOM 350 Editing and Design for Print Media
- TCOM 420 Advanced Web Design
- TIAS 491 Professional Portfolio Design
Choose 35 credits, see Writing Studies website for approved list of Creative, Scientific, and Technical Topics Electives.
- TWRT 200 Introduction to Creative writing
- TWRT 201 Creative Writing in the Global Context
- TWRT 270 Poetry Writing
- TWRT 280 Introduction to Fiction Writing
- TWRT 287 Creative Nonfiction Writing
- TWRT 320 Rhetoric, Public Life, and Civic Engagement
- TWRT 333 Writing Through Comics
- TWRT 340 Asian American Rhetorics, Literacies, and Activism
- TWRT 360 Playwriting
- TWRT 362 Writing and War
- TWRT 364 Food Writing for Cultural Exploration
- TWRT 365 Literary Editing and Publishing
- TWRT 372 Writing Eco-Poetry
- TWRT 382 Writing Popular Fiction
- TWRT 384 Writing Historical Fiction
- TWRT 388 Writing for Social Change
- TWRT 389 Nature Writing
- TWRT 420 Rhetoric and the City: Composing Urban Landscapes
- TWRT 470 Advanced Poetry Writing
- TWRT 480 Advanced Fiction Writing
- TWRT 487 Advanced Creative Nonfiction Writing
- TWRT 499 Advanced Topics in Creative Writing
- TCOM 275 Writing, Reporting and Editing for the Mass Media
- TCOM 348 Non-fiction Writing for Television
- TCOM 349 News Writing
- TCOM 387 Writing for Public Relations
- TCOM 482 Investigative Reporting
- TCOM 484 Opinion Writing for the Mass Media
- TCOM 486 Feature Writing for Print Media
- TCSS 142 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- TESC 201 The Science of Environmental Sustainability
- TEST 295 Valuing Ecosystems Services and Natural Capital
- TEST 332 A Natural History of Garbage
- TEST 335 Environmental Impact Analysis
- T GEOS 241 Oceanography
- T GEOS 243 Geography of the Physical Environment
- T GEOS 341 Climate Change
- T INFO 210 Foundations of Information Management
- T INFO 220 Foundations of Human Computer Interaction for Information Technology and Systems
- T INFO 230 Web Design and Programming
- T INFO 310 Foundations of Information Assurance
- T INFO 370 Managing Technical Teams
- T INST 207 Living and Working in the Virtual World
- T INST 312 Computer Networks and the Internet
- T INST 401 Technology in the Service of Society
- T INST 475 Entrepreneurship in Computing and Software Systems
- T PHYS 215 History and Science of Space Exploration
- T WOMN 211 Women in Science
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Have A Question?
Students with additional questions about their track, credit requirements, or classes, can contact the CAC (Culture, Arts, & Communications) advisors.