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Engage with The CEI
We empower historically marginalized groups, building a campus where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
Chill Space
Recharge, relax, or connect with peers in a welcoming environment focused on inclusion. Located in SNO , the space features comfy seating, self-care resources, multicultural magazines. Stop by and unwind!
Kitchen Area
Store your food in the refrigerators, heat up meals in the microwave, and even host events and potlucks with friends and classmates. Make the most of your time at CEI with this versatile kitchen space!
Meditation Space
Meditation room is a space designed for people to engage in quiet, personal reflection and meditation. We ask that all users be respectful of others while in this space. It is not a space for studying.
Computers and Printer
Free black and white printing! Get up to 10 pages printed each day. Plus, you can use CEI computers to finish homework or browse the web.
Meet the Center for Equity & Inclusion and our partners
Our mission is to provide equitable access to academic and professional opportunities for all UWT students and employees.