Main Content
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Analytics Innovations Hub
The Analytics Innovations Hub is a one-stop location where industry and academia intersect to create advancements in data and analytics. The AI Hub aims to connect students, academics, and industry professionals so that they can combine their strengths and solve issues while benefitting each other in the process.
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: dark-theme
- Show Full Image: Unspecified. Using Default: "Fill Container, Allow Cropping"
- Image Position: center center
AI Insights Magazine
Access high-quality articles focused on data analytics authored by faculty, students, and value network partners. Read our quarterly newsletter to be up to date about the MSBA program, CBA events, highlighted projects, exciting workshops, alumni updates, industry trends, news, and more.
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: dark-theme
- Show Full Image: Unspecified. Using Default: "Fill Container, Allow Cropping"
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Foundations for Data & Analytics
Launch your career in Business and Data Analytics…Learn R, Python, SQL, Machine Learning, and more with live online classes. 3-hour courses delivered live on weekends and weekday evenings.
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: dark-theme
- Show Full Image: Unspecified. Using Default: "Fill Container, Allow Cropping"
- Image Position: center center
Foundation for Cybersecurity Analytics
Launch your career in Cybersecurity analytics... Learn Text Mining, Predictive Analytics – Data Mining & Machine Learning, Machine learning for Cybersecurity Analytics,Cyber Risk and Risk Management Analytics,Business Intelligence, Analytics and Data Science,Forensics Analytics Case Studies-AI in Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics,Data Visualization