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Our Mission
The syayəʔadiʔ (Family Room), as it was named in its Lushootseed language, which in English translates to Family Room, is a space firmly dedicated to native students, faculty, and community members. It is part of the Office of Indigenous Engagement.
Native American students and faculty take precedent in the Family Room. This space houses educational and recreational resources reserved for the Native population of UWT. Indigenous people and those of Indigenous decent are welcome to make use of this space, as long as the previously stated principles are upheld.
Allies are invited to participate in the family room's efforts, with a high degree of respect paid to its intent. There will be several opportunities for Native folks to invite non-native students, staff, and visitors to take part in the activities held in the family room, along with food, crafting and education.
Family Room Calendar
Learn more about our Family Room services
Family room is a space dedicated to Native American students, faculty, and community members for cultural activities and learning.
Family Room
Family room fosters a supportive haven for Native American culture and learning at UWT and also fosters cultural connection and resources
Cedar Circle
Cedar Circle was founded with the intent to prioritize the prescience and education of Indigenous/Native American culture in the UW Tacoma campus.
Culture and Crafting
Family room fosters the cultural connection and empowerment of Native American students, faculty, and community members.