Main Content
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All UW Tacoma staff are members of the UW Tacoma Staff Association (UWTSA), whether permanent, temporary, part-time or full-time. For more eligibility details, please see the most recent bylaws.
The UWTSA Executive Board serves the Staff Association by planning programs, hosting community events, coordinating awards, and participating in campus-wide committees, including the Chancellor's Cabinet and Budget Advisory Committee.
We strive to support fellow staff while building strong partnerships across our unique workplace.
This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Background Image: ""
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- Header Style: "plain"
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Executive Board
2024-25 Board Members
Armando Martinez
Bea Givan
Maria Hamilton
Awards & Recognition Chair
Jennifer Mitchell
Connections Chair
Ebony Peterson
Events Chair
Jillian Leahy
At-Large Professional Staff Representative
Chad Carpenter
At-Large Classified Staff Representative
Andrew Seibert
At-Large Library Staff Representative
Kara Peters
Roles and Responsibilities
Under construction - coming soon!
Accordions don't have settings which need debugging arrow_downward
Professional Staff
Classified Staff
Library Staff