Why is Summer Learning Important for Professional Development?
From September to June everyone is swamped with work, taking care of the family, trying to find some work-life balance, and maybe even a certificate program to excel in your career. You need time off – but your mind and urge to learn don’t quit just because it is summertime.
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I’ll admit – this question stumped me. I didn’t want to be the one to ruin people having fun in the sun! Pacific Northwest summers are awesome – especially after July 5! However, it got me thinking: Why are we offering a summer learning series?
Simply put, we want to offer examples of our programming that are accessible, easy to digest, and can have an immediate impact for you.
Think of it this way: From September to June everyone is swamped with work, taking care of the family and/or kids, trying to find some work-life balance, and maybe even a certificate program to excel in your career. You need time off – but your mind and urge to learn don’t quit just because it is summertime. That’s why UW Tacoma Professional Development Center has made it easy for you! Welcome to our brightly colored Summer Sampler of workshops!
We’re offering short and convenient programming that will whet your appetite, expand your mind, and teach some professional skills that everyone should have in their toolkit. Our weekly free lunch-and-learns are easy to take on such topics as:
• Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
• Nonprofit Excellence
• HR (Human Resource) Skills for Everyone
• Process Improvement
But also, think of these little bites as opportunities to explore where you might want to go further in your career. We have information sessions that can lead to higher-paying jobs in:
• Software Development Engineering
• Public Manager Certification©
• Data Science Engineering
• Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) Practitioner Certification
And you may even be interested in taking a longer workshop in:
• Beer Server Certification
• Project Management and Equity
The bottom line is that we didn’t want to steal you away from enjoying Summer, but we did want to support you in your life and career goals. So we made it easy for you!
And thank you to South Sound Business for helping to sponsor our programming by getting the word out. We’re all in this community - let’s learn and grow together.
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