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Affiliated with UW Continuum College and located at UW Tacoma, the Professional Development Center creates additional options to help South Sound residents achieve their career and professional goals. From professional certificates and shorter programs to customized training for organizations, we build the pathways for gaining the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to take your career forward.
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Here's What Our Students Say
“I selected UWT because it had a schedule that worked for me. As a full-time working professional, I needed to have a certain level of flexibility. I needed instruction to be remote because I am located many hours away. I also wanted to make sure that I got the best value for my money from highly qualified instructors.”
-Joanna Bailey
“Education is literally the most important thing you can do for yourself, and the people close to you. The UWT is a great way to make this happen.”
-Ryan Berry
“For me, earning my certificates in Nonprofit and Fundraising Management was life-changing. I know having that knowledge and experience were invaluable when I interviewed for my current role. It’s also had a huge financial impact on my life and I am earning more than twice as much now as I was before I took those courses.”
-Diane Lyons
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