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The Professional Development Center at the University of Washington Tacoma regularly seeks qualified professionals to teach continuing education workshops and certificate programs in a variety of topic areas including but not limited to:
- Leadership and Management
- Project Management
- Human Resources Management
- Fundraising and Nonprofit Management
- Technology Topics
- Lean and Process Improvement
- Craft Beer Entrepreneurship and Brewing
- Contract Management
Most programs require a minimum of a master’s degree to teach. However, some programs may be taught by individuals with proficiency and expertise in their area provided they have a mix of education experience and expertise relevant to the topic. Previous teaching experience is required.
Current Openings 2022-23
Business of Craft Beer Instructor
Professional Development Center
University of Washington Tacoma
1900 Commerce Street, Campus Box 358443
Tacoma, WA 98402
The University of Washington Tacoma is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
New Program Proposals
Click here to submit a New Program Proposal.