Main Content
This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
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All events (includes meetings) occurring in the University YMCA and Dawg House are expected to adhere to the policies below. It is the responsibility of event organizers to review and ensure that their event is within policy. Failure to adhere to policy can result in additional charges to an event cost or suspension of reservation privileges.
- RSO Event Registration Form: Click here
- Events & Reservations Policies: Click here
- Food Service Policies: Click here
- Policy on Serving Alcohol: Click here
The forms available below may apply to your event. Please review each one.
- UWY Event Guest Attendance Form (Used only for events in the University YMCA Student Center)
Required when one or more individuals attending the event are not members of the YMCA of Pierce and Kitsap Counties.
- UW Tacoma Event Management Safety Agreement (Used by student and department events only)
Required when at least one of the following applies to your event: 1) There is event setup, 2) Food and/or alcohol being served, 3) Cash being handled, and/or 4) Non-UW Tacoma attendees. To learn more, click here.
If you have any questions regarding our policies or forms, please do not hesitate to contact us.