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The Center for Urban Waters was pleased to host the 2012 University of Washington Water Symposium on Wednesday, April 18, at the beautiful UW Center for Urban Horticulture.
Poster Winners
Thanks to all of the student poster presenters for their participation! Our Best Poster winners were as follows:
- Joe Hamman, UW Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering:
Increases in Puget Sound Estuarine Flood Risk Under Climate Change - Amy Yahnke, UW College of Forest Resources:
Amphibian Reproduction in Residential Stormwater Ponds: What's in it for the offspring? Surrounding Habitat and Residential Contaminants
Archive of Presentations
NOTE: Due to technical difficulties with audio recording, only a portion of Session I was successfully recorded; the recordings that were made are available for download below.
Session I: Physical, biological, and geochemical impacts of riverine systems in marine and estuarine environments
- Parker MacCready: Physical, biological, and geochemical impacts of riverine systems in marine and estuarine environments (PDF) | Download Audio (MP3)
- Bo Li: Phosphorus in effluent from nutrient removal treatment facilities are like coconuts and bananas (PDF) | Download Audio (MP3)
- Nick Ward: The Hydrologic and Geochemical evolution of the lower Amazon River (PDF) | Download Audio (MP3)
- Dan Nowacki: The Amazon tidal river as a missing link in the transport of water and sediment to the ocean | Download PDFs: 1 2 3 4 | Download Audio (MP3)
Session II: The Value of Heterogeneity in Freshwater Environments
- Daniel Schindler: How watershed complexity produces sustainable fisheries and wildlife populations (PDF)
- George Pess: The importance of habitat complexity & connectivity to river ecosystems (PDF)
- Jonny Armstrong: Juvenile coho salmon "dine and dash" to exploit thermal heterogeneity in streams (PDF)
- KathiJo Jankowski: Effects of eutrophication and habitat heterogeneity on bacteria in lakes (PDF)
Session III: Land Use and Water
- Robert Edmonds: The forest/stream connection: What have we learned in the past 50 years? (PDF)
- Susan Dickerson: Shading the snowpack: forest management to combat climate change (PDF)
- Douglas Martin: The Uniform Buffer Paradigm, Ecosystem Services, and A Call for Spatially Explicit Riparian Management (PDF)
- Letitia (Tish) Conway-Cranos: Terrestrial-marine linkages in Puget Sound: trophic subsidies and oceanographic transport of freshwater, nutrients and pathogens to shellfish beds (PDF)