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Learn a bit about our 2019 summer interns and their projects:
Rachel Hettinger is a rising senior Environmental Science major at UWT. She is developing an inventory of current environmental research projects in the Puget Sound/Salish Sea ecosystem to support the UW Puget Sound Institute.
Richard Brun is a recent UWT Computer Science program graduate who will continue his studies in the M.S. program beginning this fall. He is conducting an internship with the City of Tacoma Office of Sustainability to deploy a network of low-cost air quality monitors in Tacoma.
Rachel Anderson is a rising junior at the University of San Diego who is working on a joint Urban Waters/RAIN effort to develop to detect pathogenic organisms in shellfish aquaculture operations.
Mason Ward and Johannah Noyes are UWT undergraduates in the Politics, Philosophy and Public Affairs (PPPA) program assisting Dr. Tom Koontz with his analysis of the use of science is regional fisheries recovery plans.
Diana Vedenova will be a senior at UWT who is currently working on a capstone project with us at CUW evaluating models for predicting the toxicity of environmental contaminants and synthesizing information associated with stormwater program funding.