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UW Tacoma in the media

Recent mentions of UW Tacoma in the news

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Report Details COVID-19's Massive Impact on Student Food Insecurity

UW Tacoma and Associate Professor Christine Stevens partnered with four other universities and the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities to examine the pandemic's "massive impact" on food insecurity among college students.

Diverse Issues in Higher Education

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Grist 50 2021: Meet the Fixers

Grist Magazine recognizes 50 "emerging leaders in climate, sustainability and equity," including Christopher Schell, assistant professor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences.

Grist Magazine

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Tacoma needs full search for new school chief. Don't rush to anoint heir apparent

In an editorial calling on Tacoma Public Schools to mount a national search for a successor to Superintendent Carla Santorno, the News Tribune cites Deputy Superintendent Josh Garcia's role as "a key leader in the Whole Child Initiative, a nationally respected collaboration with University of Washington Tacoma that goes beyond test scores and graduation rates to focus on social and emotional learning."

The News Tribune

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BLOG: Pandemic Lessons

Editor/publisher Assunta Ng compiled reflections on the pandemic from 11 of her Asian and Asian American friends and contacts in the Northwest, including Dr. Belinda Louie of the School of Education.

Northwest Asian Weekly

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Revolutionary BIPoC women of the UW: Dr. Carolyn West

In honor of Women's History Month, the UW Daily opinion section profiled "nine BIPoC women of the UW and their contributions to the community -- and our history," including Dr. Carolyn West of the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences.

The UW Daily

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Revolutionary BIPoC women of the UW: Dr. Carolyn West

In honor of Women's History Month, the UW Daily opinion section profiled "nine BIPoC women of the UW and their contributions to the community -- and our history," including Dr. Carolyn West of the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences.

The UW Daily

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Join the Mysterious Hunt That Celebrates the Lunar New Year

The pandemic has not stopped the mysterious group behind Tacoma's annual Monkeyshines, a citywide scavenger hunt for art glass orbs. The UW Tacoma campus, including the Prairie Line Trail, is recommended as an area to search.

Red Tricycle

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6 ways to get through a lockdown

Cassandra Nichols, director of UW Tacoma's Counseling & Psychological Services, offers six ways to get through and thrive during the pandemic lockdown.

Inland Empire Community News

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Public College In Every State With The Best ROI

UW Tacoma provides the best return on investment of public colleges in Washington, according to a Stacker ranking based on a recent Georgetown University study.


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How The Tenacious Coyote Conquered North America

WNPR hosts Carmen Baskauf and Lucy Nalpathanchil interview Assistant Professor Chris Schell and Carol Henger of the Bronx Zoo about the spread of coyotes as dominant carnivores in urban areas.

WNPR/Connecticut Public Radio

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Salmon are dying off and your car tires might be to blame

This is one of many stories that report the findings of the Center for Urban Waters that coho salmon are being killed by a derivative of a chemical used as a preservative in rubber tires.

Popular Science

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How Scientists Tracked Down a Mass Killer (of Salmon)

This is one of many stories that report the findings of the Center for Urban Waters that coho salmon are being killed by a derivative of a chemical used as a preservative in rubber tires.

The New York Times

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Did COVID-19 Heal Nature?

Assistant Professor Chris Schell is quoted on what the return of wildlife to urban areas during COVID-19 lockdowns means.

Discover Magazine

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On the Prospect of an Urbanism of the Poor

Assistant Professor Rubén Casas asks readers to consider whether urbanism can be truly equitable if its advocates are only those with time, access and privilege.

The Urbanist

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Local woman sews masks for veterans

Military veteran Victoria "Torry" Hemmert, an alumna of the School of Education, has made more than 200 masks for veterans across the nation.

Federal Way Mirror

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Nature is Returning

Urban ecologist Chris Schell says that one outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic is that people are noticing urban wildlife in their midst and seeing that the ecology of cities isn't "broken."
