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General Native American Scholarships
1.) The American Indian Education Fund Scholarship
Applicant criteria:
- Must be registered in a federal or state-recognized tribe.
- Must be full-time
2.) Cobell Scholarship
Applicant Criteria:
- Able to demonstrate financial need (FNA must be submitted)
- Be an enrolled member of a federal or state-recognized tribe
- Must be full-time
3.) Catching the Dream Scholarship
Applicant Criteria:
- Must be ¼ or more degree American Indian and an enrolled member of a federal or state-recognized tribe.
- Must be full-time
4.) Daughters of the American Revolution American Indian Scholarship
Applicant Criteria:
- Must provide proof of enrollment in a US tribe.
- Must be full-time
- Must demonstrate financial need and academic achievement
5.) All Indian Pueblo Council Scholarship Grant Program
Applicant Criteria:
- Enrolled and verified members of the following Pueblos: Cochiti, Jemez, Sandia, and Santa Ana
- Tribal verification
- Must show financial need
No website available but may contact the Pueblo council for more information:
3939 San Pedro NE, Suite D
PO Box 3236
Albuquerque, NM 87190
(505) 884-3820
6.) Scholarships & Resources for Native American and Alaskan Native Students
At the following link you’ll find both financial and non-financial resources for Native American and Alaska Native students which may be used starting today.