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Ed.D. Values:
- Community Grounded
- Ancestral Knowledge
- Relational Learning
- Disrupt and Dismantle
- Healing
By the completion of the program, students will:
- Model Community Grounded Approaches: Model reciprocal methods of collectivity - within and across institutions and movements - toward sustainable community grounded approaches.
- Integrate Ancestral Knowledge: Integrate intergenerational ways of knowing to engage with complex problems of practice.
- Apply Relational Learning: Apply reflexive and dialogic practices to create, implement, and evaluate relational learning environments that affirm learner-centered engagement.
- Disrupt and Dismantle: Demonstrate personal and professional de-colonial praxis that disrupts and dismantles systemic intersectional violence within institutions and communities.
- Foster Healing: Foster compassionate spaces for self and those we interact with to be holistically, authentically human.