Main Content
This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Background Image: ""
- Theme: "grey-theme"
- Header Style: "purple_dominant"
- Card Height Setting: "consistent_row_height"
- Section Parallax: ""
- Section Parallax Height: ""
A variety of isotope tiles
I would like to standardize how and when different items/elements are used. At least have some guidelines. Seems like when options are presented, as opposed to hand-coding html, users are more likely to pick different options based on their mood.
This Isotope Tiles' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: light-theme
Gavgrid Expanded Title
Gavgrid expanded text. Repeating the content labels to help understand what happens when I create these things. I have a question: can we create a style sheet and have our styles listed in the Styles dropdown on the editing window?
Square image, standard button
Trying different settings to see how things look. The image is actually tall but I chose the square setting. Does it crop? Distort?
Expanded size is tall on this one. What happens when you mix sizes in a section?
The Title displayed when the item is expanded.
The text that will be display within the Isotope Tile when it is expanded. Chose Lots of Content for the Gavgrid Expanded Size. Now I need to keep typing and then copy the content a couple of times.
The text that will be display within the Isotope Tile when it is expanded. Chose Lots of Content for the Gavgrid Expanded Size. Now I need to keep typing and then copy the content a couple of times. The text that will be display within the Isotope Tile when it is expanded. Chose Lots of Content for the Gavgrid Expanded Size. Now I need to keep typing and then copy the content a couple of times.
Continuing the isotope experiment
Wanted to add one more isotope tile to see what happens, how they're arranged if you pick random sizes and shapes.