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What is the Planning Notice of Intent?
The Planning Notice of Intent (PNOI) is a preliminary step in the proposal of a new undergraduate degree and graduate degree or certificate program. It precedes the formal proposal and serves to fulfill several objectives including the following:
- Provide an efficient mechanism to communicate to the stakeholders within the UWT community of the intention to propose a new undergraduate degree or graduate degree or certificate program
- Assist faculty in assessing the feasibility of a possible program prior to a significant investment of time in proposal development
- Create a forum for feedback and collaboration within the larger UWT community which will help to align the future proposal with on-going initiatives and programs already developed or in development
All new undergraduate degree and graduate degree or certificate programs must submit a Planning Notice of Intent (PNOI) before moving to the formal proposal stage.
Undergraduate vs. Graduate PNOIs
PNOIs and their subsequent review processes will differ based upon whether the proposed program is an undergraduate or graduate degree program. Please see the websites below for specific instructions and resources for undergraduate and graduate PNOIs.