Main Content
This Section's arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
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This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: gold-theme
- Show Full Image: Yes
- Image Position: Unspecified. Using Default: "Center Center"
Native Forward Scholarships
Native Forward has empowered over 22,000 students from over 500 Tribes in all 50 states by providing scholarship dollars and support for services for undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. Check out this page for more information on scholarships and other services.
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: gold-theme
- Show Full Image: Yes
- Image Position: Unspecified. Using Default: "Center Center"
American Indian Studies Minor
The American Indian Studies minor is grounded by a strong commitment to the histories, representations, and political struggles of Indigenous peoples. It is open to students in all majors.
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: gold-theme
- Show Full Image: Yes
- Image Position: Unspecified. Using Default: "Center Center"
Indigenous Speaker Series
The Indigenous Speaker Series materialized in 2015 as an initiative of Dr. Michelle Montgomery at the University of Washington Tacoma through community conversations, and is an expansion of her ongoing community initiatives. The series is a multi-purpose platform that promotes community partnerships, amplifies the voices of Indigenous people, and dialogues about Indigenous People’s cultural and traditional lived experiences.
This Cards' arrow_downward Theme Info Is:
- Theme: gold-theme
- Show Full Image: Yes
- Image Position: Unspecified. Using Default: "Center Center"
Indigenous Faculty & Resources
Information on admission to UW Tacoma and our indigenous faculty